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Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:22

@borkdude: there is new code in doc to find and print specs, but it shouldn't print that if there are none so that's a bug

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:55

@borkdude: for multi-arity, you can cover all options in a single spec via regex

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:24

you can just do (s/fdef clojure.core/subs :args (s/cat :s string? :start integer? :end (s/? integer?)) :ret string?)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:42

you can even add a :fn #(clojure.string/includes? (-> % :args :s) (:ret %)) to verify it returns a string included in the original

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:14

I didn't test any of that but it should be pretty close


could we get a way to exclude vars from run-all-tests, like ^:no-check in core.typed? i jerry-rigged a solution earlier today but it required modifying the function directly. i have lots of side-effecting functions that shouldnt be running generative in tests.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:01

it's best to file a jira for anything so we don't lose it, esp over the long weekend


ok will do

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:05:46

that way we can track that stuff and you can see what's happening with it too


ah i should’ve looked there first, i’ll just comment on CLJ-1936 as it sounds similar


Hey, I have again a problem I dont understand:


When I copy the part from args: ({:name "QpJ50qrS1m24V", :type :varchar, :unique true, :required false, :autoinc true, :null true, :pk true, :max-length 14, :fk-name "Tp9tG8hwUXK0"})and run the spec validation on it it succeeds. What bothers me, is that the last line in the message wraps the columns in an extra list: :clojure.spec/args (({:name "QpJ50qrS1m24V" ... I am not sure what that means.