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Thanks @nathanmarz, very cool!
A question: I don't know how much I need to know before I understand why this doesn't work: (let [x 1] (eval (clojure.edn/read-string "(+ 1 x)")))
. I have a string containing some clojure expression, "(+ 1 x)"
here, and I want to evaluate it with specific bindings (that let
). But I get RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context
Tho, I see that this works:
(eval `(let ~'[x 1] ~(clojure.edn/read-string "(+ 1 x)")))
; also equivalent to:
(let [bindings '[x 1]] (eval `(let ~bindings ~(clojure.edn/read-string "(+ 1 x)"))))
Hi hivemind, I’m writing clojure tests in emacs with cider. When I remove some useless tests, saved and recompiled the test source code with C-C, C-K
, I found the removed tests are still executed. Cloud you all tell me how to remove those tests completely?
@lambeta: You'll have to use ns-unmap
in the REPL to remove the old tests.
You might want to take a look at Stuart's Sierra's "Clojure Reloaded" workflow and his Component library.
@bwstearns: Don't forget to (require 'clojure.edn)
I really like that (read-string "(+ 1 2) (- 3 2)")
returns (+ 1 2)
. But is there any way to see how many characters of the input string read-string
consumed? My goal is to start out with a string like "(+ 1 2) GaRbAgE"
, read off the first proper Clojure expression, and then have the remaining garbage left in the string.
I don't really want to try and put the output of read-string
back thru pr-str
and try to guess how many characters in the input string were consumed…
@fasiha: Sounds like you want read
on a PushbackReader and make one of those from a StringReader?
(i.e., turn the string into a StringReader
then a PushbackReader
and then use read
which will leave the rest of the string in the reader for you to do whatever you need with)
how would i use core.spec to specify that either non or all of an additional, optional set of keys are present in a keyseq?
base-spec + all or none of other-spec
(s/and base other) works if other only uses :opt-un
Hi all, I read the doc of leiningen profiles, what does it mean when it says
>If you mark a profile with ^{:pom-scope :test} metadata, then the profile's :dependencies will be added with a test scope in the generated pom and jar when active.
like this?
:repl {:plugins [[lein-midje "3.1.3"]
[lein-try "0.4.3"]
[lein-midje-doc "0.0.22"]]
:dependencies [
^{:pom-scope :test} [refactor-nrepl "2.2.0"]
hmm… after reading it's source code. I found I should add metadata like this :repl ^{:pom-scope :test}
and then the private method apply-profile-meta [default-meta profile]
will merge default metadata and what I added. After that, it will change every dependency like (-> dep (conj :scope) (conj (name scope)))
@robert-stuttaford: :req takes and / or conditionals too for key sets - it's not in the guide but the docstring covers it
For cases where there is a "tag" key, multi-spec is probably better
@alexmiller -gasp- that's fantastic! so something like (s/keys :req (s/or [::a ::b] [::c ::d]))
reading the docstr now
Remember - maps have set semantics
ah, the docstr has it differently: (s/keys :req [::x ::y (or ::secret (and ::user ::pwd))] :opt [::z])
i'll try both out, thanks!
Yeah sorry didn't read yours closely
(for [x '(1 2 3 4)] println)
is there some way of achieving something like this, without having to use the "x" variable?
I mean, what I'm looking after is to have something equivalent to (for [x '(1 2 3 4)] (println x)) but without having to refer explicitly to the x variable in the body of the for
if you want to apply a function over a collection, you'd be after (map println '(1 2 3 4))
@seancorfield: ooooo, this is Clojure magick I had no idea existed—is this a protocol thing? I will try to figure out how those work!
for example, why is there definterface
and defprotocol
? and why is there deftype
, defrecord
, and reify
? couldn't they have just chosen one of each and let the community write their own flavor since it's homoiconic?
I feel like the slight differences aren't enough to justify the extra work newcomers have to take to learn the language completely
I think that the nuanced versions, at least in that particular case, have to do with some of the inherent ugliness of java interop
@maxov All of these have propped up in libraries I've been looking at using, so I have to know them. Can you elaborate on how they have to do with java interop?
I'm concerned that a lot of this stuff is just the general feature creep garbage that happens in every language/library/business that eventually sinks it
I don’t think they are feature creep, they all have stayed in the language for a while. I can’t say when they were added, but they were added before I started
definterface generates Java interfaces for interop, while defprotocol is more like multimethods that delegate based on type
As for the effect this has on newcomers, personally I would refer to Rich's Simple vs Easy talk … it's not that Clojure aims to be hostile to newcomers, but it definitely doesn't aim to be "easy" in the way a newcomer would appreciate
"It ends up that classes in most OO programs fall into two distinct categories: those classes that are artifacts of the implementation/programming domain, e.g. String or collection classes, or Clojure’s reference types; and classes that represent application domain information, e.g. Employee, PurchaseOrder etc. " -- Ok, so why not just have one datatype, and keep application domain information in a simple map
"This is why Clojure has always encouraged putting such information in maps, and that advice doesn’t change with datatypes." -- Ok... so why did you introduce a datatype? was not defprotocol and multimethods enough? I'm not getting this
"While deftype and defrecord define named types, reify defines both an anonymous type and creates an instance of that type" -- What problem does this solve? was it worth inventing new syntax to solve this problem? in other words, is the problem so common in programming that we should include reify
as part of the core language rather than a popular library?
"The use case is where you need a one-off implementation of one or more protocols or interfaces and would like to take advantage of the local context. In this respect it is use case similar to proxy, or anonymous inner classes in Java." -- So why not just have one of them rather than both reify and proxy? whichever is the most flexible should win
And definterface vs defprotocol... from my understanding you can still write java interfaces with defprotocol, is that right? so what have definterface. And even if you couldn't, it seems like it's not a stretch to make it work with Java
Also to comment on Simple vs Easy. I watched that talk a month or two ago. I'm all for making programming substantially simpler by learning powerful constructs, having learned Haskell and other functional languages. But none of them really tack on all this stuff like clojure does
I prefer using simple maps where I can, and use protocols + records where I need some level of abstraction or polymorphism
defprotocol generates java interfaces, but they ostensibly look very “weird” in java-land, as their methods take the thing they’re acting on as the first argument
I also find that when I’m dealing with datatypes that are often composed with each other a lot, say I’m implementing my own Number class as a contrived example, that reify is handy to define implementation
so? from my understanding the point of clojure interop with java is to leverage the large body of libraries available in Java, not to write Java code with clojure
it's adding an unnecessary learning curve to make a very uncommon use case less "weird"
I agree it’s uncommon, which is why it is almost never used. You came across a library that did need to use it
For a newcomer, that's an extra amount of effort to learn something they'll never use, and would have to instead figure out the nuances between that and defprotocol
I can’t think of any clear way to implement definterface without it being part of the core language
It's not "hard" in any sense, it's just headache-inducing minutia. "Hard" is something like learning hindley-milner type inference or category theory, which can produce structurally nice code once you've learned it, although it's not really hard once you realize what it actually is, just foreign to most programmers.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see deftype and defprotocol as necessary either, because I feel like you can solve the same set of problems with just simple maps, defprotocol and multimethods.
If you have to preface your language construct as "x is just like y but (here's a list of a few nuanced differences:)", then that raises a red flag for me
It also seems like some of this stuff boils down to performance issues. But really I feel like the cleaner way to deal with that kind of thing is to just introduce pragmatic directives that you can include as a declaration in your code, not unlike how every other language deals with those kind of optimizations...