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Hi! I have a personal notes project based off clerk-demo, which I upgraded to use the latest clerk recently (`0.15.957`).
I noticed that often (but not always) after I save a watched .clj
file, the web page will first update and then jump to the index page.
Anyone else seeing the same?
Did I mess something up in my deps.edn
: ?
I the repl I see unexpected Clerk evaluated 'jar:file:/home/ash/.m2/repository/io/github/nextjournal/clerk/0.15.957/clerk-0.15.957.jar!/nextjournal/clerk/index.clj' in 79.353063ms.
after it evals my file.
Hi Alex, newer versions of Clerk update the shown notebook as a result of an url update in the browser. I believe what you’re seeing here might be a result of that. Is one of your notebooks maybe requesting a local file that could cause this?
no, nothing like that. I've tried to inspect the requests that the webpage is doing and it suddenly stopped reproducing, but I got this error in the JS console:
Uncaught TypeError: URL constructor: is not a valid URL.
PL render.cljs:650
b render.cljs:723
aM render.cljs:721
Ela events.js:453
a events.js:213
yla listenermap.js:305
Lv listener.js:71
dM render.cljs:740
hM render.cljs:750
<anonymous> macros:432
PL render.cljs:650
b render.cljs:723
aM render.cljs:721
Ela events.js:453
a events.js:213
(Async: EventListener.handleEvent)
yla listenermap.js:305
Lv listener.js:71
dM render.cljs:740
hM render.cljs:750
<anonymous> macros:432
@U5H74UNSF does that look familiar to you? because I don't know where to look next
@U04CRS4B49L the code is public, right? How can I repro this?
yes, just clone it and then navigate to macros.clj
, for example. for me it almost always results in render + redirect to index
(latest git version greets me with this error on the index page):
Uncaught DOMException: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable
ws_send sci_env.cljs:220
HL render.cljs:561
h render.cljs:653
j render.cljs:536
hM render.cljs:725
Dla events.js:454
a events.js:216
hmm, not 100% sure either if this is intentional anymore, cc @U9EQP1K0X
I think we did more guesswork previously to infer the :paths
but have decided to stop doing that
but I do specify them: <= is that not correct?
like so: (clerk/serve! {:paths ["src/*.clj"] :watch-paths ["src"] :port 6677 :browse? true})
with the following command (clerk/serve! {:browse? true :port 6677 :paths ["notebooks/*.clj"]})
bummer, I removed the other two files locally while debugging the original issue. now I see the same
Okay... no pressing issue at the moment, so I guess I can live with that. Thanks a lot for the tips! 🙂
> hmm, not 100% sure either if this is intentional anymore @U5H74UNSF The code path which reads from nextjournal/clerk alias in deps.edn is still there but is bypassed by this binding I’ll file an issue.
@U04CRS4B49L @U9EQP1K0X fixed it with
@U5H74UNSF @U9EQP1K0X is there a chance to cover this with a test, so that it doesn't break next time again?.. 😉 I'm really grateful for Clerk being there, but my experience is too often: - upgrade to the latest commit to fix an issue; - discover that something else doesn't work anymore; - repeat
@U04CRS4B49L There will be breaking changes from time to time until version 1.0 ships. We’re still actively working on a number of details and APIs. Once things solidify, we’ll bring them under test, as we’ve been gradually doing for the parts we’re pretty sure are baked. In the meanwhile, I can only offer apologies for occasional annoyances.
@U07SQTAEM that makes sense, I wouldn't want to trip over failing tests while evolving the API myself. Thanks once again! :)
Hm, it looks like top-to-bottom evaluation doesn't play along with forward declarations... Is there a trick that I'm missing?
clerk should handle forward declarations, could you share some details of what’s going wrong for you?
I'll try to reproduce. What I observed was stale results from expressions that depend on the definition.
I remember thinking that and trying to clear the cache, but that was not helping. I'm generally doing my homework before complaining. ;)
There is one quirk though: I understand that Clerk is trying to be helpful (or is it accidental?), but the behavior is then different when actually evaluating top to bottom.
@U9EQP1K0X can you comment — is this by design or a quirk? Should I rather open a github issue? 🙂
I don’t think this is intentional, but I might be wrong, @U5H74UNSF any insights?
@U04CRS4B49L we had a related issue already, I added your remarks there