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Quick question: When I first started using cider, the ns form would be auot-generated in a new buffer based on the path of that buffer. So, for example, if I opened a new file called my_project/core.clj , the buffer would automatically contain (ns my-project.core). This behavior is no longer occurring and I’m not sure if it was due to a setting I accidentally changed or if it was removed in a more recent version of CIDER. I was unable to find any documentation of the cider function that contained this behavior and would very much appreciate any guidance. Does this behavior still exist within CIDER? If so, how would I go about re-enabling it? Thanks.


That feature is implemented in clj-refactor.el (which belongs to the cider family) and clojure-lsp Surely you were using either lib and got it disabled perhaps?


Yes, that is most likely.


I see it for clojure-lsp on the first page. Thank you for your help!

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