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Stephan Renatus13:03:22

for a simple data-conversion project, converting an AST from one (JSON) format to a higher-level formal, would it be feasible to implement the logic once, in dependency-free clojure and use the code from each of Java, C# and JS (TS)? I’m not using clojure in my day-to-day work, but from what I’ve seen so far, this seems feasible, but I might be terribly wrong when it comes to the details… :thinking_face:

Stephan Renatus13:03:43

in JS/TS, I’d probably try to go with squint and I don’t think there are terrible blockers; but I’m not sure about the state of Clojure for a library to be used from both C# and Java


as long as your library is dependency free and doesn't rely heavily on interop with the host language - there will be no problems.


but even if you do need to interop it is possible to contain it in cljc files making the library independent from the host

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