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I’m trying to send a file and other data to the server using http-xhrio (re-frame wrapper around cljs-ajax) like so:
{:http-xhrio {:method :post
:uri (str (endpoint) "/create-ipfs")
:timeout 40000
:format (ajax/json-request-format {:keywords? true})
:response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})
:multipart-params [["token-image" (:token-image db)]
["token-name" (:token-name db)]
["description" (:description db)]]
:on-success [:created-ipfs]
:on-failure [:error-occured]}}
but on the server side, the multipart-params map is empty. How to fix that? instead of multipart-params you should use :body with js/FormData instead does not seem to show :multipart-params anywhere
Hi all, wondering if anyone can explain what :meta
portion of this does exactly? I have a situation when I remove that portion I get errors in clojurescript.
(atom {} :meta {:listeners (atom {})})
The :meta
sets the metadata on the atom to whatever comes after :meta
, if that's what you're asking.
@U024X3V2YN4 sorry for not including. This is really a datascript thing. When I listen!
I get the error if not included:
(defn listen!
"Listen for changes on the given connection. Whenever a transaction is applied to the database via [[transact!]], the callback is called
with the transaction report. `key` is any opaque unique value.
Idempotent. Calling [[listen!]] with the same key twice will override old callback with the new value.
Returns the key under which this listener is registered. See also [[unlisten!]]."
([conn callback] (listen! conn (rand) callback))
([conn key callback]
{:pre [(conn? conn) (atom? (:listeners (meta conn)))]}
(swap! (:listeners (meta conn)) assoc key callback)
(swap! (:listeners (meta conn)) assoc key callback)
here it is expecting that the metadata on the connection points to an atom. Thus there is a preconditien check in :pre
that checks specifically for this.@U024X3V2YN4 Yes exactly. Thank you for the explanation. I thought maybe there was an idiom here outside of datascript.