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I found a few scattered conversations, but couldn't find a conclusion. Does babashka support a global bb.edn? Tried putting one in /.config/babashka, /.config/.babashka and ~/.babashka without luck
Mainly looking to reuse generic tasks 🙂
It doesn't support global tasks but you can accomplish this by putting a bb.edn anywhere and then make a wrapper script that does: wrapper
#!/usr/bin/env bash
bb --config ~/.my-config/bb.edn "$@"
and then you can call wrapper my-task
I see, how will this cooperate with local bb.edn files? E.g. being in a project, and having access to global and local tasks
Ok, gave it a shot and it seems like it doesn't support overlaying multiple configs (that is, I can't make it read project-local and referenced config at the same time). I can imagine it's a bit tricky to implement
for global things, it's probably better to make a project with a bunch of scripts. hello:
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(println "hello")
and then add that directory to your pathThen you can invoke hello
from anywhere on your system. It even works when hello uses something from the local bb.edn
Right, because when bb is invoked from the shebang, it picks up the bb.edn in the current project, so that context is available in the global script sort of
A followup question to this; is there a way to explicitly deny a script installed using bbin from respecting bb.edn
-files in the current dir?
Is that related to this question?
I don't think so, in my case everything is working as intended (when a bb-script is invoked, the bb.edn in the current dir is respected). It's just that I have several global, general purpose scripts that should just run as-is and not try to parse bb.edn files if present
I didn't really notice this until I started pulling down several bb projects from other people, and noticed how running one of my general purpose scripts in their repo results in installing their dependencies, while I just wanted the script to run as it was installed. I figured this might be related to bbin and how scripts are installed
is something not working though, or is it just that you don't want to parse the current bb.edn?
The latter, yeah 🙂 Sometimes I do (like in this thread, for global tasks and such), and sometimes I don't (my personal system utilities and such)
does it really matter though? when the deps are already downloaded, after that it's a no-op?
Maybe not, but won't the bb.edn from <insert random project i cloned from github> technically be able to modify my bb-script invocation by specifying a different namespace for main, or things like that? Just thinking out loud here
#!/usr/bin/env bb
; :bbin/start
; {:coords {:bbin/url "file:///Users/joakim/bin/bbfile"}}
; :bbin/end
Installed using bbin install .
in /Users/joakim/bin/bbfile
, and the bbin-directive in bb.edn is :bbin/bin {bbfile {:ns-default bbfile.cli}}
Yeah that part is ok, more so how the config is determined. Anyway, now I got to one of the problems that I came across earlier today;
1. i run a bb-sdript in a directory that has a bb.edn (which is picked up)
2. that bb.edn contains a local, relative reference to another project in the file system that i don't have
a. e.g. :deps {io.github.kevin/app {:local/root "../mylib"}}
3. bb-script crashes
This was just an example scenario where I'd cloned someones project, and I didn't have their directory structure. Considering several clojure devs use this local/root
-thing for convenience, I figure this problem might pop up again
Yeah, this is not specific to bb. Any deps.edn with a local/root to a non-existing project will also make clj
crash for example
Yeah I guess! It does make (my) scripts more fragile though, so if there is a way to prevent reading bb.edn-files from a bb-script installed using bbin, I would love to hear it. Might be a conversation for #C0400TZENE7 though
neh, it's not in bbin. the order of the configuration is determined here: first we check if there is a bb.edn in the local dir. if so, then that is the config
Yeah, but considering bbin overrides it, like when assembling base-command
in the above script
what you're seeing isn't caused by the bbin script but by babashka not finding a relative bb.edn to the bbin boot script, so it still reads the local one
the order is (correction to what I said before): • explicit --config argument • a relative bb.edn to the invoked script (bbin could add a dummy bb.edn to the relative file for example) • bb.edn in the local directory
if you add a bb.edn
file relative to your global tool with an empty map, this should be a workaround to your problem
Ok, but in this case the invoked script does have a relative bb.edn
❯ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x joakim 96 B Sun Jul 2 19:38:13 2023 .calva
drwxr-xr-x joakim 224 B Mon Jul 3 16:06:20 2023 .clj-kondo
drwxr-xr-x joakim 256 B Mon Jul 3 16:06:20 2023 .cpcache
drwxr-xr-x joakim 96 B Mon Jul 3 16:06:29 2023 .lsp
drwxr-xr-x joakim 96 B Sun Jul 2 13:01:33 2023 src
.rw-r--r-- joakim 152 B Sun Jul 2 13:01:33 2023 bb.edn
.rw-r--r-- joakim 91 B Sun Jul 2 13:01:33 2023 deps.edn
.rw-r--r-- joakim 9 B Sun Jul 2 13:01:33 2023
I mean, I don't see bbfile in your ls output. The bb.edn should be relative to that one - in that case bb will not read the dir local one
oh. so how does that work when you install scripts/projects like this, with one bb.edn?
Yeah that works! Not to nitpick now, but this will prevent the global tasks-scripts we discussed earlier from picking up local bb.edn files then, or?
Alright, I'll give it some thought. Thanks a lot for taking the time! By the way, saw your talk on babashka conf! Very interesting to hear about your experiences with the community and ecosystem, can easily have a longer talk next time 😁
I’m writing a script with some long log outputs that I want to scroll in a fixed section of the terminal.
I’ve got that working using ANSI control codes (lots of useful info
The one problem I’m having is knowing the current cursor position so I can set it up from the current line down.
There’s the control code \033[6n
which returns this to stdin (I think) but I’m having trouble reading it.
Here’s what I’ve tried so far, any other ideas?
(ns test
(:require [babashka.process :as p :refer [shell]]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(println "Test 1")
;; Try using `shell` & printf
(-> (shell {:out :string} "printf '\033[6n'")
(str/split #";")
(println "Test 2")
;; Try printing and reading the ANSI code ourselves
(with-open [reader (io/reader *in*)]
(println "\033[6n")
(let [c (.read reader)]
(println "Read character:" (str c))))
Ok, so I’ve managed to figure the start of something out.
Looks like running stty -icanon
before other commands allows the process to read from stdin without blocking waiting for the user to press enter. Not sure how portable it is but its POSIX which works for me 🙂
(source: 🙏)
For anyone looking, here’s what worked for me:
(ns test
(:require [babashka.process :refer [shell]]
[ :as io]))
(defn read-upto-char
"Reads from stdin until the given character is found.
Returns the string read, including the character."
(let [r (io/reader *in*)]
(loop [out ""]
(let [c (char (.read r))]
(if-not (= c upto)
(recur (str out c))
(str out c))))))
(defn parse-cursor-position
"Parse the cursor position from the given ANSI code."
(let [[_ row col] (re-matches #"^\033\[(\d+);(\d+)R$" cursor-position)]
{:row (Integer/parseInt row)
:col (Integer/parseInt col)}))
;; Disable canonical mode
;; This is required for reading ANSI codes without blocking for a newline
(shell "stty -icanon")
;; Disable echo
;; This is required so that the user doesn't see the output ANSI codes
(shell "stty -echo")
;; Get the cursor position
(println "\033[6n")
(->> (read-upto-char \R)