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libsci tests broke on windows, randomly starting yesterday: if anyone wants to have a look, go ahead


feels like some weird code gen from a Rust proc macro which is tripping the compiler. seems to have made an enum called: enum_(unnamed_at_D_\\a\\sci\\sci\\libsci\\target\\graal_isolate_h_35_1)


but why suddenly this change, I mean there is a rust cargo.lock file right


Yeah probably a change to Windows image? If I look at the last successful run, I see: > Runner Image > Image: windows-2022 > Version: 20230820.1.0 > Included Software: > Image Release: And if I Iook at the failing run, I see: > Runner Image > Image: windows-2022 > Version: 20230918.1.0 > Included Software: > Image Release: If you look at included software links, you'll see that Rust has been bumped, from failing: • Cargo 1.72.0 • Rust 1.72.0 • Rustdoc 1.72.0 • Rustup 1.26.0 from working: • Cargo 1.71.1 • Rust 1.71.1 • Rustdoc 1.71.1 • Rustup 1.26.0 So maybe related to that? Dunno.


Gotta go water my neighbour's garden, tata for now!


Hmm... ubuntu is still using 1.71.1 et al but macOS is using 1.72.0 et al (and passes) so maybe a c compiler change or something.


Deciphering versions... seems like... was using Visual Studio 1.7.1 now using Visual Studio 1.7.4...


If nobody else gets to it, I'll try to replicate on my Windows VM later today.


But now.... I must go for a walk and enjoy the big blue room.


Blech, upgrading my Windows VM to VS2022 is not going great.


Oh crikey. Word to the Windows-naive: don't blindly run GraalVM install instructions. If you take this advice but run it from Powershell:

setx /M PATH "C:\Progra~1\Java\<graalvm>\bin;%PATH%"
The %PATH% part is not recognized by Powershell, so you end up blowing away your previous value with the constant %PATH%.


Ok, I updated my Windows VM. I also installed llvm via winget, that seems to be need for bindgen? I needed gcc, it seems, so I installed mingw via scoop. Was that the right thing to do? But now I'm getting different errors than above when trying to compile Rust:

Compiling Rust!
   Compiling from-rust v0.1.0 (Z:\babashka\sci\libsci\from-rust)
error[E0412]: cannot find type `graal_isolate_t` in this scope
  --> src\
22 |         let mut isolate: *mut graal_isolate_t = ptr::null_mut();
   |                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0412]: cannot find type `graal_isolatethread_t` in this scope
  --> src\
23 |         let mut thread: *mut graal_isolatethread_t = ptr::null_mut();
   |                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find function `graal_create_isolate` in this scope
  --> src\
25 |         graal_create_isolate(ptr::null_mut(), &mut isolate, &mut thread);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope

error[E0425]: cannot find function `graal_tear_down_isolate` in this scope
  --> src\
33 |         graal_tear_down_isolate(thread);
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
I don't know Rust enough yet to diagnose what's up.


Thanks for all the findings so far, let's post summary in and continue there


I think I'm going to disable the tests for now, perhaps the issue will fix itself at some point, no time to dig into this soon


but if someone has a fix, I'll gladly take it


I might look again, but I'll also likely get distracted before I do....