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Caio Cascaes18:11:20

Is :secretsmanager supported by the cognitect-labs/aws-api? Because I'm not managing to get it to work. When other services, it goes fine:

(def client (aws/client {:api :s3}))

=> #'tatata.core/client
(def client (aws/client {:api :secretsmanager}))

Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at (service.clj:33).
Cannot find resource cognitect/aws/secretsmanager/service.edn.
I got the :secretsmanager keyword by this

R.A. Porter20:11:30

It works. Did you remember to add the dependency to your project?

Caio Cascaes20:11:11

:secretmanager..... facepalm :face_palm: picard-facepalm

Caio Cascaes20:11:49

I had fixed but had forgotten to refresh another function. My bad.

Caio Cascaes20:11:20

Thanks anyway

👍 1