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I asked "What are the benefits of using the Polylith architecture?" and was quite impressed by the answer: architecture is a software design approach that emphasizes the importance of decomposition and explicit boundaries between components. It is an evolution of the monolithic architecture, which tends to become complex and difficult to maintain as the codebase grows. The benefits of using the Polylith architecture include: 1. Improved maintainability: Polylith architecture promotes the creation of small, independent components that are easy to understand, maintain, and test. This makes it easier for developers to work on specific parts of the system without having to understand the entire codebase. 2. Better scalability: Polylith architecture allows components to be deployed and scaled independently, which can improve the overall scalability of the system. This is particularly useful in cloud-based environments where resources can be dynamically allocated based on demand. 3. Enhanced team collaboration: Polylith architecture enables teams to work independently on different components, reducing coordination overhead and improving collaboration. This can lead to faster development cycles and better overall productivity. 4. Clear boundaries and dependencies: Polylith architecture encourages the use of explicit boundaries and dependencies between components. This makes it easier to understand how different parts of the system interact with each other, reducing the risk of unintended side effects and facilitating easier debugging and troubleshooting. 5. Reduced technical debt: Polylith architecture helps to reduce technical debt by promoting the use of well-defined interfaces and encapsulation. This makes it easier to refactor and update components without affecting the rest of the system. 6. Faster onboarding: Polylith architecture makes it easier for new developers to onboard by providing a clear understanding of the system's architecture and how different components interact with each other. This can reduce the learning curve and enable new developers to become productive more quickly. Overall, Polylith architecture provides a more modular and scalable approach to software design, which can lead to improved maintainability, scalability, and team collaboration.

polylith 4

#2 is pretty bogus tho'... you can't "deploy and scale" individual components.


Yes, that's true, saw that.


I agree the wording of #2 is misleading, but I think the underlying point is basically correct. With monoliths (even modular ones) you’re stuck deploying one artefact. With Polylith it’s easy to deploy multiple artefacts (including an artefact composed of a single base and component, if you really wanted to).


Maybe it's because I'm on a team of consultants and spend a lot of time peer reviewing similar writing, but every LLM listicle I read massively triggers my bullshit-o-meter. They're extremely effective at saying very little in a lot of words 🙃

👍 7

> They're extremely effective at saying very little in a lot of words I know, right? Every effing time I ask ChatGPT to fix any mistakes and improve the text I wrote, it invariably spits out some elaborate word salad, making me grumpy: "yo, why are you making me sound like I'm James Joyce or Charles Dickens? Make this shit simpler...", and then it does but also removes the most important bits from the text, making it utterly useless.


You can probably control that to some degree by either selecting the "temperature" of the response or augmenting the prompt to ask it to use a more concise/technical tone?


This is quickly becoming off-topic (I haven't started it, LOL), but maybe someone can suggest something. So I have implemented a workflow for correcting mistakes and improving text in my editor. It works but is suboptimal. I'd love to figure out a way for ChatGPT to spit out "variations" instead of a single suggested set of changes. I'm not sure if it's possible in a single request. I suppose I'm gonna have to force it to return results in a specified shape with designated delimiters, but all my attempts to force it to stick to a "template" so far weren't very successful.