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mx200009:12:40 - Game Development Language to make it utterly simple to write games! ā€¢ Everything is based on protocols now and a context object I have again heavily rewritten everything, now the engine uses the context design pattern, as I have posted in reddit already as I was so excited about this. I just updated the readme to explain the new changes.

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migalmoreno15:12:11 a libre streaming frontend for the web. This project aims at being a port of Newpipe, an Android frontend for various streaming services, but for the web. It leverages the NewpipeExtractor Java library to gather the data, exposes it via a simple REST API and uses re-frame for the front-end SPA. It's my first time using Clojure(Script) in a personal project so any ideas/comments/contributions are welcome!

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The clojure-doc cookbook for covers how to do this: (under **The Generated pom.xml File).

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