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I’ve updated my example #cljsrn project, which uses #shadow-cljs, React Native, #reagent, and #re-frame to also use React Navigation. It turned out to be quite trivial, but I noticed it could fail in all sorts of ways anyway, so figured it makes sense to have a basic setup for it in an example. The project dependencies are also updated to latest everything, except react-native-web, where I needed to use a slightly older version.

👏 12
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Lennart Buit16:06:43

The hamming distance to rm -rf shadow is surprisingly low

metal 2
Kent Bull21:07:43

Thank you @U0ETXRFEW! I’m using your template and it is very helpful.

🙏 2
Kent Bull21:07:02

@UDF11HLKC are you referring to removing shadowcljs?

Lennart Buit07:07:47

I was just joking — imagining typing it wrong and removing shadow