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@malcolmsparks: Perhaps there should be a record which designates that encoding has been taken care of? That would clearly separate the two use cases.
@dominicm But what if the user formatted the json outside of yada?
@malcolmsparks: Then they'd take that string, put it in (TakenCareOf my-formatted-json) and that would be the return value.
And then use a multimethod to pick up the TakenCareOf record, and skip over formatting.
Yes, they could wrap in a JsonString record. There's a design choice that will work. But it's a hassle for those who have to remember to wrap in JsonString. What Would Rich Do?
I mean, the way you want to handle it is going to vary from case-to-case: Currently: Want to JSON encode yourself: (json-encode my-map) Want to JSON encode a map: my-map Want to .. a string: (json-encode string) JsonString: encode yourself (yada/json-string (json-encode my-map)) a map: my-map a string: string
But the overhead would need addressing somehow. Whether that is encouraging that custom json-encode functions are written, or something else, I don't know.
;; Example encode
(def json-encode (comp yada/json-string some-lib/json-encode)
This would be a convenience wrapper around personal json-encoding, that would wrap it up in the JsonString record.Upsides: auto conversion of a string to a JSON string. Downsides: Unpleasant surprise for a diligent developer already 'doing the right thing' of using a json library to encode the string and declaring the mime-type correctly.
It doesn't sit easy with me
If the developer returns a clojure sequence or map then it's obvious that yada should encode that to json. But the string is much more problematic for me. I feel yada should get out of the way in such cases.
Even if there is a workaround to 'tell' yada to get out the way, the developer might not be aware of it at the time of the unpleasant surprise. So it's not intuitive - the developer must guess that this feature must exist and resort to stack overflow to find out
I'm not saying you're wrong of course :)
I just have concerns that we need to think through in the hammock
I do acknowledge that the status quo isn't ideal either. A user-agent will try to parse a json string which turns out to be textual error message. JSON parser blows up. It's a problem, yes.
I used to have a hammock tied across two trees. I have since moved to a new place where tree distances do not allow for a hammock. More's the pity.
I shall have to buy a ugly hammock stand from ikea :(
No no, they're good points. We're at the point of guessing human nature and usage. I need to review the docs for the current version to see what "feels" natural. But I'm already cursed by knowledge.
Could a solution be : put in :body
things that are to be coerced, otherwise put them under another key, like :raw
@nha that idea has legs
@nha that's an interesting idea
I have no idea how it affects yada protocols, and it would also have to be clear that one cannot fill both though.
:raw doesn't feel exactly the right kw but close
Naming is hard :)
There's a similar feature in yada today where you can return the (:response ctx)
perhaps modified and yada should then step aside
It's a way to say to the method proxy "this is the actual response I was to return, leave it alone!"
Well I was not aware of any other ? I use it like :
(-> (:response ctx)
(assoc :status 202)
(assoc :body {:a-key "a-val"}))
It does incur overhead for all responses though. Given the coercive nature of yada, I see the dilemma a little better now.
Yeah, you could just return
{:a-key "a-val"}
Yada's method 'proxy' would put in the 202
Each method has a proxy to codify the semantics
It's a design I'm quite pleased about
Looking through the docs, if I had to support html, I think I'd go with my own resource type, which understood json/edn conversion of itself. It's similar to my own internal version of coercion I've come up with.
(defrecord Cloak
[template data]
(json-encode []
(default-action data))
(edn-encode []
(default-action data))
(html-encode []
(html/template template data)))
That's very neat ! However if I return
{:a-key "a-val"}
I get
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :interpret-post-result of protocol: #'yada.methods/PostResult found for class: clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap
if I do (yada {:a-key "a-val"})
I get
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :interpret-post-result of protocol: #'yada.methods/PostResult found for class: yada.handler.Handler
at clojure.core$_cache_protocol_fn.invoke(core_deftype.clj:554)
at yada.methods$eval51720$fn__51721$G__51711__51728.invoke(methods.clj:194)
It rings a bell though, I think I saw something about that.@nha - yeah, it's only on GETs right now.
I will add the same thing to other methods though
sorry, forgot to mention that