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issue with the java api (thread)


var xtdb = IXtdb.startNode(NodeConfiguration.builder()
                .with("xtdb.jdbc/connection-pool", ModuleConfiguration.builder()
                        .with("dialect", ModuleConfiguration.builder()
                                .with("xtdb/module", "xtdb.jdbc.psql/->dialect")
                                "db-spec", ModuleConfiguration.builder()
                                        .with("jdbcUrl", JDBC_DATABASE_URL)
                .with("xtdb/tx-log", ModuleConfiguration.builder()
                        .with("xtdb/module", "xtdb.jdbc/->tx-log")
                        .with("connection-pool", "xtdb.jdbc/connection-pool")
                .with("xtdb/document-store", ModuleConfiguration.builder()
                        .with("xtdb/module", "xtdb.jdbc/->document-store")
                        .with("connection-pool", "xtdb.jdbc/connection-pool")


tried this way and with a map from Map.of(), still end up with this error


Caused by: xtdb.IllegalArgumentException: Arg :db-spec = {jdbcUrl=jdbc:} invalid: {"jdbcUrl" "jdbc:"} - failed: map?


so i think there is some machinery thats not happy with a java style map


and no conversion internally to a clojure one


hey @U3JH98J4R my Java skills aren't great but this sounds like a bug to me, would you like to create an issue? (happy to do so myself if you'd prefer)


thinking about adding an “audit log” entry for some changes, what would be a good way to refer to the contents of a transaction and sign them? I guess you can’t refer to “current transaction” in tx functions


Hey @U11SJ6Q0K you can call indexing-tx on the transaction function ctx to get tx-id/tx-time, as per


this should really be in the docs somewhere but I can't see that it is :thinking_face: (e.g. here somewhere I've made a note on the project board to review and fix sometime


thanks, good to know


Hi 👋 I noticed that attempting to read from a closed (RocksDB) database snapshot crashes the JVM with a segfault instead of throwing an exception. Basically this:

(def db (xt/open-db node))
(.close db)
(xt/entity db :foo)
does the trick for me. Would this be worth a GitHub issue with a repro?


I assume that this behaviour is known, I was just wondering if there was a reason why this is not avoided by checking the status of the db connection. Efficiency could be a reason, e.g.


Hey @UNBM99ED7 this is an unfortunate sharp edge with how RocksDB's JVM integration works (exactly for performance reasons as I understand things). We could attempt to hide some of this complexity from the user in XT, potentially, but it hasn't been deeply analysed. Specifically in this case I would recommend using with-open to avoid this mistake


I was experimenting with a setup where multiple concurrent handlers could use the same db snapshot (for a graphql server), and then an interceptor would clean up by .close-ing the snapshot. But I didn't get very far because my REPL crashes with a segfault when I do something wrong. I'll probably need to rethink a bit and find a way to use with-open to avoid having the snapshots in scope after they have been closed.


Thanks for the context. Bear in mind that open-db is not intended for multi-threaded usage though, and instead you should have a db per thread. I would be very interested to hear about / see what you end up with :)


Aaah I see... Then I'll probably end up using a timestamp for ensuring consistency, and pushing the xt/db/`xt/open-db` calls down to the individual threads. Or something along those lines 🙂

👍 1

Thanks for your time – hopefully we'll end with something worth sharing 😉

🙏 1