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A million questions I know but is there a better way to work with scalars withing a query? I am doing this at the moment for calculating a percentage - I know I could have a clojure function that does that for me but I was just wondering...

[(/ ?interesting-subsegment-count ?all-subsegment-count)
[(float ?ratio)
[(* 100 ?float-ratio)
If I don't do that I get a bunch of "Cannot cast XYZ to java.lang.Number` and similar


😄 keep the questions coming! Unfortunately there's no "better" option than the two you've mentioned. There is a way to embed arbitrary Clojure in your Datalog using a custom predicate

(defn inline-clj-pred [f & args]
  (apply (eval f) (vec args)))
...but I strongly discourage using it beyond prototyping(!)


Ah, yeah I was actually wondering if I could express ranges with inequalities (data like 10 :<= x :< 11) and the use some magic for apply them in a rule 😄


The other option above probably gets close to it without eval - I'll have to play but thank you!

🙏 2

Crux is able to combine range predicates cleverly so you can do [(<= 10 x)][(< x 11)]] with separate clauses and it should be fast


beware though that the range predicates are Crux-Datalog specific, so they don't necessarily respect type boundaries, unlike how clojure.core/> and friends behave where you can combine quite a few different types of numbers without worry. You can always specify [(clojure.core/<= 10 x)][(clojure.core/< x 11)]] if needed though


I feel a bit dirty but here it is 😄

(defn inequalities-satisfied? [inequalities x]
    (let [eval-fn (fn [inequality]
                    (let [[operator y] inequality
                          operator-sym (symbol operator)]
                      (eval `(~operator-sym ~x ~y))))]
      (every? true? (map eval-fn inequalities))))
(inequalities-satisfied? [[:>= 14] [:<= 17]] 17) ;;=> false
Spike = playing around!


For this one I am representing now classifications as

(crux/submit-tx node [[:crux.tx/put
	                     {:crux.db/id {:measurement-name "ASW Tris"
                                       :classification :classification/severe}
                          :cohesic/type :classification-range
                          :classification/range #{[:>= 18]}}]])
Note that range is the set of my inequalities. Is there a way to tell Crux to leave that :classification/range key alone and assign it to a variable "as is" without decomposing?


an example query is

   (crux/db node)
   '{:find [(pull ?cs1 [*])]
     :in [?input]
	 :where [[?cs1 :cohesic/type :classification-range]
             [?cs1 :classification/range ?inequalities]
             [(println ?inequalities)]
where I would like to see ?inequalities as #{[:>= 18]} but I see it as [:>= 18] instead


reading this It seems I will have to create an artificial subkey for that so that the top level won't be decomposed?


that's definitely an option, you could also use the semi-official built-in get-attr predicate like this (except don't do the destructuring) - I think it will always return a vector with ~undefined ordering. and I can confirm that for you if you want to go down that route


no ordering should be fine - it's a really a set of inequalities what I am trying to get.

🙂 3

Given you asked more questions 😄 Does binding results (via :find) currently works in Crux? I tried the Datomic syntax but it does not seem to be working This is especially nice for aggregation functions and scalars, for instance when you want to (count ?foo) it's really nice to get a clean number out of the query


Crux doesn't currently support the `find-scalar`or `find-coll` parts of the edn Datalog query spec (i.e. . and ..), but things like aggregates (`count` and friends) should definitely work for you, see


I think you can do some tricks to get a collection back using a subquery, but at the top level you'll always get a set back from Crux's q as things stand today


ok gotcha thanks Jeremy

👍 3

For this one I am representing now classifications as

(crux/submit-tx node [[:crux.tx/put
	                     {:crux.db/id {:measurement-name "ASW Tris"
                                       :classification :classification/severe}
                          :cohesic/type :classification-range
                          :classification/range #{[:>= 18]}}]])
Note that range is the set of my inequalities. Is there a way to tell Crux to leave that :classification/range key alone and assign it to a variable "as is" without decomposing?