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@jarohen with the (shared) S3 KV store, could it make sense to have a single tx-indexer running that would update the S3 KV store? So having nodes not with the base-topology but only having the query engine and the nessecary stores? :thinking_face:


We don't have an S3 KV store I'm afraid - we make a distinction between the document store (a golden store, shared between all nodes), which just stores raw documents, and the local, per-node KV store, which stores the query indices. We haven't written a remote KV store as yet, largely because of an assumption that it wouldn't be performant enough for queries to have the indices remote - the query engine makes a lot of small requests of the indexes.


If we could find an implementation that was sufficiently fast, then yes, it would seem sensible to share that work between multiple nodes 🙂


Oh i see. I took the doc store for the kv store somehow. Makes sense now.


What about a layered architecture with a shared slow kv store and a memory cache on nodes. Could that work? (For the pathological use case)


I don't see why not - there's a good few interesting implementation questions with that around what to cache, at what granularity, in what format, and how to invalidate it


Does crux support running queries with hypothetical information - stuff that isn't and shouldn't actually be added to the real DB? (Like datascript)


Hey @U08JKUHA9 🙂 not just yet I'm afraid, but it is on our roadmap, and we've recently been refactoring the query engine internals to make this easier - hopefully it's not too far away


cool, thanks for the info


Hello. I'm not actually a #crux user, but can't @U08JKUHA9 create a file/in-memory db, install stuff, run queries and remove/delete this db/file?


My guess is that it would work, but wouldn't be fast enough of a process to answer queries in real time


I worked in a #datomic app do a "bulk import" like this: - create "empty" in-memory db - transact new data on it (take some minutes) - query this in-memory db and write "computed" results in the "main" db. - delete temporary in-memory db


Ah I see. My thing is I would also need to see all data in the main db, so I worry it would take a long time to initialize a temporary db like that unless there is explicit support for it, or some other mechanism like forkdb


@U08JKUHA9 maybe write a kv store that delegates to the memory store and if not found to the main db?


@U054UD60U :thinking_face: cool idea