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If you use vectors or maps as values, is there any way to query for what's in there?


Hi 🙂 not within the normal query as the values themselves are opaque to the query engine, however it might be feasible to use a custom predicate (and DataScript might be viable for a nested query). Note that if the vector (or set) values are IDs then they can be traversed by the query engine as reference attributes.


ah cool, great to see that that works as expected!


As a note, it is sort of possible to query vectors in crux. If you submit a vector as a value crux breaks it down into its components and adds them all as individual values on the base level. This means that you can use the :args key to query for values inside(ish) the vector. As for maps, you can also sort of do that if you namespace maps instead of nest them .i.e {:pocket/right a-thing} instead of {:pocket {:right a-thing}. This is on the same line as breaking down the vector into its componets as you can query anything as long as its visible at the root. I wrote some code to try and demonstrate this:

(ns tmt.maplistq
  (:require [crux.api :as api]))

(def opts
  {:crux.node/topology :crux.standalone/topology
   :crux.node/kv-store "crux.kv.memdb/kv"
   :crux.kv/db-dir "data/db-dir-1"
   :crux.standalone/event-log-dir "data/eventlog-1"
   :crux.standalone/event-log-kv-store "crux.kv.memdb/kv"})

(def node
  (api/start-node opts))

      {:crux.db/id :me
       :list ["carrots" "peas" "shampoo"]
       :pockets/left ["lint" "change"]
       :pockets/right ["phone"]}]
      {:crux.db/id :you
       :list ["carrots" "tomatoes" "wig"]
       :pockets/left ["wallet" "watch"]
       :pockets/right ["spectacles"]}]])

(api/q (api/db node) '{:find [e l]
                       :where [[e :list l]]
                       :args [{l "carrots"}]})
;; => #{[:you "carrots"] [:me "carrots"]}

(api/q (api/db node) '{:find [e p]
                       :where [[e :pockets/left p]]
                       :args [{p "watch"}]})
;; => #{[:you "watch"]}


note that when we query the lists we get l back as a single value rather than a list


@UNDH5EQRL good point, the values in a top-level vector value are effectively like cardinality-many, so they can be queried (cc @U07FP7QJ0), and you can also make use of the order of the values in that vector My brain is still warming up - first day back on the Slack after a couple of weeks' break 🙂

🌴 8