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Adam Helins01:01:13

Per chance, has anyone a good solution for vertical alignment, e.g. in maps? Using EasyAlign, it is indeed easy enough to align [1 with :bar but I struggle to align the inside the vertical vector:

{:a [1
 :fooooooooo :bar}

Jacob O'Bryant03:01:52

when I looked into this recently my conclusion was there doesn't seem to be a good way to do this with vim plugins. You could possibly rig up something with, or just run that before you commit (maybe with a git hook). (Or just manually align the map values, which is what I've been somewhat inconsistently doing at work 😉 )

Adam Helins10:01:46

I didn't have too much look with zprint so far but I don't know it too well :thinking_face: I guess I'll stick to EasyAlign for now


I use lazyvim which autoformats on file save by default. I think it uses cljfmt for clojure. I initially thought it would bother me but got used to it quickly.


Just realised I also have that alignment without saving the file. Turns out lazyvim is using conform.nvim for formatting.

Adam Helins15:01:27

Which treesitter-friendly colorscheme are you using? Not all of them play nicely with Clojure I find.

Noah Bogart15:01:23

i've been using dracula for nearly 10 years, haven't found anything that i like as much. this one is treesitter friendly and keeps up to date with neovim changes:

👌 1
Noah Bogart16:01:21

that one is also nice

Adam Helins16:01:11

This one is quite soothing for Clojure code:


I've also been using everforest with AstroNvim and find it very easy on the eyes and well supported


Another everforest user here. It's nice. 🌲


My preference is I haven't found any problems with the way it presents Clojure.

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