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How do I jump between forms? Say my cursor is in the lowest form (_+ y b)
how do I jump up/down/between to (_+ a x
(defn foo [x y]
(let [a 10
b 20]
(+ a x
(+ y b))))
I configured vim-sexp
to jump to (let
by pressing (
twice and using this binding:
\ 'sexp_move_to_prev_bracket': '(',
The first time it would jump to [(]+ y b)
and then after second press it would jump to [(]let [a 10
I don't use jump down but I think it exists in that package too.👆 2
Thanks, That worked. But I tried to jump back to the form with )
but it balances and goes to the closing paren
( god to enclosing paren, then W/B to move between forms. If i want to enter a list, I move to the first paren, then press l to move to the first word/element inside, then from there use W/B to move around
⬆️ 2