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Any of you coc.nvim folks know how to get rid of the documentation source links at the bottom of the floating window?

Noah Bogart20:08:55

what are you using to show documentation? what's the command?


nnoremap <silent> <leader>k :call ShowDocumentation()<CR>

Noah Bogart20:08:57

and ShowDocumentation is from their readme, right?


Yep, I think it's part of their latest changes.


I've asked in the coc.nvim gitter and they are usually super responsive so I'll update if I find a solution. I'm assuming I'm getting double links due to something going on between the lsp, conjure, coc.nvim, and coc-clojure (hey!) but I like things super clean so just want it all gone if possible.

Noah Bogart20:08:55

yeah, of course. it's annoyed me too, i've just not followed up on it

Noah Bogart20:08:31

looking at the hover.ts code, i don't see anything that would cause it specifically. it might be something from clojure-lsp?


It might be lsp specific but hopefully there is a global config option to stop it. I don't get it in my Rust code but I get the same behavior in Go code. I haven't tested others

Noah Bogart21:08:24

:hover :hide-file-location? set this to true and i think it'll stop showing that

Noah Bogart21:08:35

can be set either in .clojure-lsp/config.edn or in coc-settings.json: "clojure.initialization-options.hover": { "hide-file-location?": true }


Awesome stuff man, that worked. Thanks!