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Yehonathan Sharvit11:12:45

Is it possible to go to symbol definitions vial clojure-lsp inside a jar? Use case: 1. In my code base I have: `(defn foo [] (bar))` 2. bar comes from a 3rd party dep: `(defn bar [] (baz))` 3. Is there a way to go to `baz` definition?


what does gd do? I can open jars from the classpath with conjure and lsp


I can only jump once into a jar from classpath, not further from there...don't know if that is possible somehow 🤷


It works on emacs but not on vscode, I found that this week, so it seems calva and vim needs to do something else to work?

Yehonathan Sharvit13:12:02

That would be great to solve it in vim


Check this issue with the same issue but on vscode side: