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so looking at moving my vimrc to neovim and fennel/aniseed, and looking at @olical’s config fennel stuff (, but have a key map to source my config of <leader>` ; but I get a quoting error: invalid whitespace after quoting prefix anybody have ideas of how to use the backtick in a noremap call? e.g. (noremap :n :<leader> ":source ~/.nvim/config/init.lua")`


That did it!!!


Thanks!!! ❤️


starting with working on the basic mappings moving over, then going to see what it takes to get them config`ed in nicer manner… (e.g. maybe a map of mappings that are in a def that then iterate over…


so many possibilities with a LISP


I'm using fzf/vim which is great but how do you folks exclude things like the node modules and cljs-runtime files, etc from the search?

Noah Bogart19:08:50

probably have to change wildmenu

Noah Bogart19:08:10

no wait, that’s not correct

Noah Bogart19:08:24

set wildignore+=*\\tmp\\*,*\\target\\*,*\\out\\* will work, but sometimes that’s not helpful


There's :GFiles to only list git-controlled files. That's my default fzf command

Noah Bogart19:08:46

i don’t know fzf/vim specifically, i use ctrl-p, but ctrl-p has a g:ctrlp_custom_ignore dictionary that i use to ignore stuff. maybe fzf has the same?

Noah Bogart19:08:59

a lot of these tools also look at your .gitignore files


:GFiles seems to be the right solution. thanks!


There's a bunch of useful commands like that. I suggest you browse through them :help :GFiles


I wish it wouldn't grab all the files from a parent directory though. I have ~/projects/tutorial/practice_project and I open up nvim while in the practice_project directory. Now :GFiles is also giving me all the files that are in /tutorial/ instead of only the files in practice_project/


@U9J50BY4C I’m not sure how to only search the current directory using GFiles, but with Files you can use multiple search terms. For example, :Files !node_modules !cljs-runtime clj will search for all files in the current directory that match “clj” but not “node_modules” or “cljs-runtime”. If you use that specific search often enough, you could create a mapping for the :Files !node_modules !cljs-runtime.


Thanks for the suggestion. Actually the best solution I've found (from a neovim chat) is to install fd and use export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd --type f' That seems to be doing exactly what I was looking for.

👍 4

I will go through that help file


I asked in #beginners but couldn't figure it out: anyone have advice on that one?


@alex.sheluchin == should do the trick 🙂


(after doing df/ I mean)


@dominicm that gets me:

(is (s/valid? (s/coll-of int? :kind set? :count 3
                  -------->(q/get-ints crux-node))))
Whereas the desired behaviour is for it to be the second arg to s/valid? instead of part of the spec definition.


If I am reading that right, it is not the second argument to valid? as you haven’t closed a paren after the 3, so the q/get-ints call is an argument to s/coll-of


@US03ZP2F5 You are describing the actual behaviour. Yes, when I delete the t/ chars, only the top line gets modified, so the alignment of the form on the second line becomes invalid (as a second argument to s/coll-of) when the paren after 3 gets automatically removed by parinfer. The desired behaviour is for the two arguments to s/valid? to remain siblings. The original form is:

   (t/is (s/valid? (s/coll-of int? :kind set? :count 3)
                    (q/get-ints crux-node)))
and I'm looking for a way to better manage the indentation instead of manually adding/removing spaces after such changes.


ah, that makes sense


Thanks for the suggestion. Actually the best solution I've found (from a neovim chat) is to install fd and use export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd --type f' That seems to be doing exactly what I was looking for.

👍 4