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Just wanted to mention that I’m happy with papercolor-theme, it has a balanced light and dark mode which works well

👍 6

I also swear by papercolor light theme. Been using it for years without qualms (I also think Clojure is especially pretty with its pink keywords).


Thanks for this one, @orestis! Tried it for a few days now, and it's feeling better than my long-term goto (gruvbox).


The dark theme, that is. I still can't handle light ones.


I’m also using the dark one, but the light one is also good and sometimes useful (presentations, super bright rooms)

Ory Band10:09:18

Hi all. I've recently migrated from vim + fireplace to nvim + coc.nvim + clojure-lsp. When writing Midje tests (which uses custom symbols such as => and ?x ?y when using tabular) i'm getting unknown symbol errors from clojure-lsp's inner clj-kondo tool. Apparently clojure-lsp lets you set custom macro-defs for these kind of scenarios, to let kondo be aware of these custom symbols. thing is, i can't make it work. Can anybody help with that please? See this short github issue for more information Thanks in advance for any help you can give :)

borkdude10:09:16 Consider asking in #lsp


Thanks for this one, @orestis! Tried it for a few days now, and it's feeling better than my long-term goto (gruvbox).