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is anyone proficient in using vim-easy-align with clojure? I've never managed to make it work
@regen I recently tried this, it seems to work:
- Make selection of lines you want to change (shift-v)
- press ga
for easy align interactive mode
- press *<space>
i like keeping default ga
behaviour, which leaves me having to go :'<,'>EasyAlign<CR><Space>
after visual selection
Took a little while to relax (on giving up absolute control) of where the parens/layout is
That's highly specific 😄 I guess I just really like vim-sexp now, I'm really used to how it works with vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people.
It is really neat, which one do you use? I think I tried a rust implementation that was really snappy.
I hit ,o
to raise if I'm editing something like JS and am sorely disappointed when nothing happens.
Actually used convolute for the first time the other day too!
@alee i'm a vim lifer, so i've never used cider-jack-in. what does vim-jack-in do/provide? is it only to avoid having to run lein repl
(for example) in another terminal and connect to it with something like vim-fireplace
It also removes the need to fiddle with profiles.clj, build.boot or deps.edn to start nrepl with cider loaded
thanks @U09LZR36F 🙂👍