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Daniel Baez00:08:24

is there a node version I should prefer? when I try to rename a symbol that's referenced from other files I get

2019-08-14T17:32:28.622 INFO (pid:71919) [services] - registed service "languageserver.clojure-lsp"
2019-08-14T17:32:28.625 INFO (pid:71919) [plugin] - coc 0.0.73-e9ef666cb5 initialized with node: v12.8.0
2019-08-14T17:32:34.734 INFO (pid:71919) [services] - clojure-lsp state change: stopped => starting
2019-08-14T17:32:34.743 INFO (pid:71919) [language-client-index] - languageserver.clojure-lsp started with 71921
2019-08-14T17:32:42.804 INFO (pid:71919) [services] - clojure-lsp state change: starting => running
2019-08-14T17:32:42.810 INFO (pid:71919) [services] - service languageserver.clojure-lsp started
2019-08-14T17:33:00.466 ERROR (pid:71919) [workspace] - Error: Create document file:///Users/daplay/workspace/fg/src/fg/site/core.cljs timeout after 8s.
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/Users/daplay/.vim/bundle/coc.nvim/build/index.js:44903:24)
    at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:531:17)
    at processTimers (internal/timers.js:475:7)

Daniel Baez00:08:37

I updated the timeout to 8s


With coc.nvim and clojure.lsp do you know how to configure it so that the language server is off by default? I want to just toggle it on for occasional linting (not in real time though) and also find it overrides autocompletion from clojure-vim/async-clj-omni which I don't want because I lose the sweet floating window documentation.


I can turn it off and on manually by doing :CocList servicesand then just hitting <CR> on the language server but I can't figure out how to have it start in the off position by default.