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vim-iced will support debugging by tap and datafy!
Kitty users may be interested in and I just learned a bit more about dispatch, and figured out how to get activation working. Kitty makes a nice dispatch target, because it survives the closing of vim (e.g. for lein repl).
this might make sense to bolt onto the x11 adapter if it doesn't complect things too much. (i think that's better than a separate kitty adapter because dispatch doesn't have a good way to configure priority)
Do you mean as opposed to an external adapter, or a separate internal adapter?
If there's a decision being made in the x11 adapter about whether to use kitty, then it would just be creating a priority through code rather than using the ordering system in dispatch. Kitty could be disabled like any other adapter in dispatch using g:loaded_kitty_dispatch = 1
that doesn't work. it's not the right naming convention and if you fix that you get an unknown function error (edit: i guess it works for your external adapter)
but really, my objection is if change my preferred terminal, I shouldn't have to also reconfigure dispatch.vim. just let me set $TERMINAL
or some other global configuration
sorry, I was just throwing a random name that sounded right. If I was integrating I'd follow the internal convention. Changing preferred terminal will cause automatic switching, the kitty adapter would only activate when you were using a kitty terminal.
kitty supports a remote control api, so if you had a kitty terminal open you could send things to it by let $KITTY_LISTEN_ON = "the_listen_address"
but that could be at our discretion.