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Hey folks, quick poll about acid.nvim. React with the appropriate response: Would you like using acid through a lua API? 👍 - Yes, please 👌 - I don't care, as long as I can use it 👎 - No, Python/VimL is much better 😕 - I don't even know what acid.nvim is 😒 - I don't care, I use {fireplace,vim-iced,something else} Also, please DM me or respond to this if you have suggestions and/or complaints about acid. Thanks in advance!

👌 8
😕 28

i wasn't able to get acid.nvim working when i tried it a few weeks ago (i had it working in the past). let me try again. i think i'm ready to move on from fireplace at this point


i don't understand the implications of moving to lua. would that mean we can't configure it in init.vim?


It will be configured through lua. That can happen in the init.vim through the :lua command , but most importantly, it'll allow it to be seen as a library for other plugins and customization from the user.

👍 4

@ingvij what would be the user impact there? like, would i need to use lua to configure the plugin, or what?


That's correct. Same thing as in iron.nvim, you'll use lua to configure it.




That's correct. Same thing as in iron.nvim, you'll use lua to configure it.