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dominicm17:07:27 This is a really neat idea. But it feels like a worse version of sql in strings.


Hi, I have the world's noobishest question. I've been using vim for a loooonnnngggg time, and switching to clojure has made it act slightly different, and I don't know what setting to tweak. In clj, something like my-ns/something is all one big word, so using * when on my-ns doesn't match in the "full" string. The word boundaries seem much larger, if that makes sense. The fact I can't describe this well is also why I can't google this well - does anyone know the word boundary setting to modify?


I know what you are talking about, but I'm not sure if I like it or not, and haven't looked any deeper


I would have indeed googled for word boundaries. Or perhaps checked the w and e motions' help pages inside vim


Indeed, :help w pointed to word, which pointed to iskeyword


iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255 is the default,  iskeyword=@,48-57,_,192-255,?,-,*,!,+,/,=,<,>,.,:,$ is used when editing clojure files


ah-ha! ok, somewhere to start - thanks!!!!


That's it!