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Is someone running async-clj-omni with recent deoplete? It broke for me due to one of these depoplete changes on Cljs project without repl connection (no connection -> error for each completion call)
Those commit messages are useless 😔 I think you've just solved a mystery for us though. bisected to this commit
not very obvious what in that change would affect this
and gather_candidates specifically, which is what throws the error
Seems like it is enough to just remove this log line:
Probably after the change, this log line is seen by deoplete
@juhoteperi thanks for looking into this change for me (and for fixing it!)
has anyone here tried TimL? it's super old at this point (last commit was 3 years ago), but the idea has always intrigued me
the README mentions that it adds considerable overhead to an already slow host platform, and in 2018 we have good external plugin APIs, so it's probably a non-starter
@dave I looked at it around the same time I discovered that you could compile Vim w/ +mzscheme support. It looks interesting, but the lack of support was a non-starter for me. But I like the idea of compiling to Vimscript in general. Just seems really hard to do well.
Still don’t understand why that didn’t catch on. Native support for scheme as a first class scripting language in Vim has been around for years.
Unfortunately noone is actually running a version of Vim compiled w/ it turned on. But it’s just a flag --enable-mzschemeinterp
Yeah, I wish I knew the history of it, why it wasn’t popularized. I actually made a little plugin w/ it too, it was nice.
@dominicm Honestly didn’t really do much w/ it but I was blown away at the time that I could compile support for this ancient feature (+mzscheme) using a modern version of Racket!
Here’a s toy plugin I wrote w/ it. And it worked!