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very much a spike for now - you can use the npm nrepl-client module like this in clojurescript
(def nrepl-client (js/require "nrepl-client"))
(def client (.connect nrepl-client #js {:port 9999}))
(def expr "(def boot.user/g 6)")
(.eval client expr (fn [err result]
(println expr err)
(.end client)))
it works inside a nvim node-host remote plugin - I have a project for it here
All the good repl names will be gone soon, and we'll have to resort to harvesting from other languages!
@dominicm Regarding the article, IMO the "correct" handling of names misses the point. It's not the point to rename something so a woman does not have to say "nipple". The point is to live in a society where there are no per-gender taboo words. One may feel uneasy saying "nipple" in the context of a silly project name if she has been shamed about that in the past. Eradicating shaming and sexist prejudice is an enormous problem, though. Maybe not using that one stupid work was the only practical solution. But let
's not lie to ourselves that it is the Right Thing.
Avoiding words like that is curing a symptom. Let's not forget about that.
@not-raspberry: Having "gender OK" words contributes to a gap between genders, completely agree. I think people are quick to jump to solutions like this, but actually encourage more sexism through it.
A bit?