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debug-repl, and = debugging transquility also looks like there's some interest in this coming to vim 🙂
Speaking of conj. A fun thing I stumbled across today:
Good timing — been thinking about how to version this api client library. I do too, I’m reading some issues on Github re: api versioning and he seems to be a champion of simplicity.
Yeah. I always enjoy reading his rationales on things. Although things sometimes seem to be so obvious to him, and not obvious to others and he needs a little prompting in order to explain.
Took a while for him to put together his big post on why neovim's async api is better than vim8's (and it hugely is imo)
Google not turning up much, but I’m curious. You can hit Neovim’s RPC API w/ TCP or Unix Domain sockets, as well as STDIO.
I wish I had an easier way to search reddit. This isn't the first time I've done this recently.
I didn't realise that neovim's api supported plain ol' things like stdio. That's cool.
Yes, when you use jobstart() to fire off a remote plugin (as a co-process), the plugin process can use STDIO as the channel.
Technically I suppose you can just telnet to a tcp socket and do it… If you’re fluent in messagepack 🙂
> Vim invented an ad-hoc protocol (it does not implement JSON-RPC) where JSON blobs can be sent over a channel and each blob has a request id and some other metadata. > In Vim a channel can have any protocol; this leaves quite a burden on the community to figure out a consensus. JSON also is very awkward (broken) for transporting binary data.
I always interact with neovim via my hex editor or something esoteric like that, right?
I think the JSON is parsed for you. I think that's why it has a request id, so vim can direct the message
yikes, remove VimL execution. Building a Clojure client for that would only be marginally better than a Clojure -> VimL compiler.