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@markx I dropped using quasi-repl - since it was never a good fit. I mainly uses neovim and then running a lein repl via :term in a buffer.


With iron.nvim, you can <leader>ss on any form and it'll send send the whole current form to the repl. #shameless-self-promotion


90% of the time I just write to the buffer and then do cpp, sometimes I do (comment (code)) if I don't want it to run on reset.


I do have some things in my quasi-repl though, particularly things that aren't ns-specific. The enter behaviour is a little annoying there, yup 😞. Sometimes I seem to trigger it hitting escape too.


Fireplace explicitly states that it's no good for typing at a prompt. I haven't used this, and there might be a better plugin, but is probably useful if you want to type at a prompt, but still have access to vim-sexp mappings and such.


@snoe I just finished the 'VimFn' handler, it's on testing branch.. Check if that helps you


that leads to using call AcidSendNrepl({'code': '(some-fn arg)'}, 'VimFn', 'name#of#vim_function')


I'll leave that on testing for some days..


@dominicm Thanks. I’m still new and trying to learn my own workflow. Writing test expressions to the buffer is what I do currently, but it’s annoying that I have to remember not to version control them.


@markx I generally review all my changes before committing, which is how I avoid that. There's probably some way to change the behaviour of the quasi repl. I'd try look into it. Please share what you find, because I'd be very interested


@dominicm According to, you can map a key to re-open vim's command window, :autocmd CmdwinEnter * nnoremap <buffer> <F5> <CR>q: I guess you can do something similar with fireplace’s prompt.