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oh fudge :)… was so focused on initialAppState that I totally forgot about started-callback.


So I have a union query that chooses between different views (like the tabs), but the views have some table data in common. There can be quite a few of these views. When one of those views adds a new entity to a table that another view in the union is suppose to render as well, is the idea to update all the ident vectors in the other view(s) in the union?


When view1 adds an 'ent' the ent has to be added to the ent/by-id table as well as all the :ents vectors in different views


it could also be done when changing view


@urbank Yes that would be the right approach. Something we do frequently is to have another level of normalization:

{:ents/list-of {:ents/all [[:ent/by-id 1] [:ent/by-id 2]] :ents/some [...]}}


This approach ends up manifesting on the server side as two different types of endpoints. 1. :ent/list-of which takes an arg for the kind/sorting/filter of list to provide. 2. :ent/by-id which just handles loading by ident.


@gardnervickers Ok, cool. I suppose another way would be to only update the active view, and update the rest when they become active (through a mutation)


Sure, that is possible, although seems more difficult to do than just updating them all at once.


@anmonteiro: and I are grabbing lunch in portland. Anyone else?