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thanks for the clarification tony. i had the wrong idea that each df/load resulted in separate network calls. if the loads are batched and processed in order, then i probably won’t have to use df/load-data anymore.
@tony.kay I ditched intellij and made sure I was running a recent version of lein. I deleted my .m2 I still get the same errors. I really want to use clojure / om-next / untangled; I feel not so great bugging you guys with this basic stuff. Anyone have any suggestions?
@fragamus Try removing your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
That's usually it in this kind of problem
@fragamus yes, what @adambros said. That is my #1 suspect as well. If that doesn’t work, what do you see from lein deps :tree
I do not have a ~/.lein/profiles.clj My lein deps :tree appears in my 10:36 PM post above.
I don't see a top-level clojure or clojurescript dependency. What is your project.clj look like?
on develop, that recipe works for me:
# lein --version
Leiningen 2.7.0 on Java 1.8.0_112 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
My environment must be wrong but I set up leiningen the way it said to do on their web page.
# lein run -m clojure.main
Clojure 1.8.0
user=> (start-figwheel)
Figwheel: Starting server at
Figwheel: Watching build - dev
Compiling "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" from ["src/client" "dev/client"]...
Successfully compiled "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" in 11.099 seconds.
actually, at the moment master and develop are identical git checkout develop; git diff master
git checkout develop; git diff master Already on 'develop' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.git checkout develop; git diff master Already on 'develop' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.git checkout develop; git diff master Already on 'develop' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.
well, my only guess at this point is you had a munged file. Looks like your two branches are the same too
A handy command to know to make sure you're at a clean slate (assuming all code changes are checked in):
git clean -xfd
wipes out everything not tracked (including IDE control files).no problem. Let me know when you verify which plugin it was. I'm surprised the React one is to blame
i fragged all my extensions one by one, trying it again in a new tab each time. It continued to fail. then i quit and restarted chrome and it still failed.
so we still have a mystery but if no one else is experiencing it i say we drop it. I will use firefox.
Chrome is better with those devtools, as debugging shows data structures more nicely
i deleted all mention of devtools in user.clj and then i did (reset-autobuild) and I created a new tab in chrome but the error persists. BUT... no worries I am up and running and would rather code than solve this weirdness.