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In the tutorial, besides issues of consistency and grammar; can I suggest that where the first person is used, it is in plural form. E.g. So, in some examples we'll be using the cljs->js function instead to make sure the docs and source stay in sync. For a tutorial, the latter is more important than the former instead of So, in some examples I'm using the cljs->js function instead to make sure the docs and source stay in sync. I feel the latter is more important than the former. It's a matter of style really, though I feel plural form is more appropriate for a tutorial.


@donavan: feel free to comb through and submit a PR. we’re mostly working on getting some kind of documentation out at all, not as much on the grammatical stuff yet. we’d appreciate the help though!


@donavan: I've been taking the Om tutorial and morphing it, so I do expect consistency problems. We need a more central theme in the whole thing that builds more. Glad to hear ideas there as well.


@ethangracer: I'm more than happy to work on editing and am doing it in a fork. I was just asking as a matter of style, something that is not wrong or right, that I don't feel comfortably making the call unilaterally just yet.


style-wise: choose one and make it consistent if you want, I'll follow from there as long as I know what it is simple_smile


and thanks again!


No worries, I'm doing the tut for my own learning and I do 'editing' in my head as I read anything! My dad is an a writer/editor... it's in my blood.


thanks. wrong channel simple_smile