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@cgrand good morning, last night I did a more generic implementation of elision expansion, and I noticed something weird for maps, that I think it's related to the into
used in unrepl.print/ednize
[14] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> {\a 0 \b 1 \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 \f 5 \g 6 \h 7 \i 8 \j 9 ...}
[15] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> { ... \a 0 \b 1 \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 \f 5 \g 6 \h 7 \i 8 \j 9}
[16] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> {\a 0 \b 1 \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 \f 5 \g 6 \h 7 \i 8 \j 9 ...}
[17] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> {\a 0 \b 1 ... \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 \f 5 \g 6 \h 7 \i 8 \j 9}
[18] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> {\a 0 \b 1 \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 ... \f 5 \g 6 \h 7 \i 8 \j 9}
[19] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> {\a 0 \b 1 \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 \f 5 \g 6 ... \h 7 \i 8 \j 9}
[20] user=> (zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
> {\a 0 \b 1 \c 2 \d 3 \e 4 \f 5 \g 6 \h 7 \i 8 \j 9 ...}
(zipmap (map char (range 97 (+ 97 11))) (range 11))
[:read {:from [1 1], :to [2 1], :offset 0, :len 52} 1]
[:started-eval {:actions {:interrupt (unrepl.replG__24139/interrupt! :session24584 1), :background (unrepl.replG__24139/background! :session24584 1)}} 1]
[:eval {\a 0, #unrepl/... {:get (unrepl.replG__24139/fetch :G__24587)} #unrepl/... nil, \b 1, \c 2, \d 3, \e 4, \f 5, \g 6, \h 7, \i 8, \j 9} 1]
[:prompt {:file "unrepl-session", :line 2, :column 1, :offset 52, clojure.core/*warn-on-reflection* false, clojure.core/*ns* #unrepl/ns user}]
so my position was “it doesn’t matter — let revisit when clients authors show up with pitchforks”
the current solution is bad for all: • those who read maps as maps can’t lookup for elision because the key is random • those who read maps as list can’t rely on it being at the end. So in both cases you have to do a linear scan (yeah I know reading a map is linear anyway) instead of a get or looking at the last value
so you're thinking on changing the structure for ednizedkvs? kind of like with ednized strings
not going that far but requiring the server to print the elisions last AND to reverse padding and actual elision, so that the key would always be #unrepl/... nil
it’s really a genuine question but why do you need this-as
if you don’t use it ?
(defn make-pr-str-stream
(let [transform (fn [v enc cb]
(this-as this
(cb nil (prn-str v))))]
(Transform. #js {:writableObjectMode true
:transform transform})))
@baptiste-from-paris check it out ^^
I dusted off a text layout algorithm that I adapted to data, here is the result
cool... I don't know the details of the implementation but I guess it should take care special care of pair of values (kvs, tagged literals)
Good point about pairs. The algorithm lays out unbreakable spans (and spans have an indent value). A first naive approach would be to merge the last span of the key and the first one of the value and add an extra indent for the value.
so, the unrepl_make_blob task reads the session action map with {:default tagged-literal}
whereas what's seem to be need is something like :my.own/action (some.ns ~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :bar))
I tried to fix it but couldn't to be hones I couldn't get it to work and i think it might be an easy fix, so I rather ask
the easiest way to reproduce the problem is by simply generating a new custom blob and try to upgrade to unrepl with it
:actions (into
{:exit `(exit! ~session-id)
:start-aux `(start-aux ~session-id)
`(some-> ~session-id session :log-eval)
`(some-> ~session-id session :log-all)
`(let [bak# {:unrepl.print/string-length p/*string-length*
:unrepl.print/coll-length *print-length*
:unrepl.print/nesting-depth *print-level*}]
(some->> ~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :unrepl.print/string-length) (set! p/*string-length*))
(some->> ~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :unrepl.print/coll-length) (set! *print-length*))
(some->> ~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :unrepl.print/nesting-depth) (set! *print-level*))
(set-file-line-col ~session-id
~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :unrepl/sourcename)
~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :unrepl/line)
~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :unrepl/column)))
`(attach-sideloader! ~session-id)}
{:my.own/action (unrepl.repl/ensure-ns (foo/bar #unrepl/param :baz))})
every other action's params are ~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :some/name)
, and the generated by the customization is #unrepl/param :some/name
if I try to upgrade with that blob, I get
$> cat test-blob.clj - | nc localhost 5555
user=> [:unrepl.upgrade/failed]
RuntimeException No reader function for tag unrepl/param clojure.lang.LispReader$CtorReader.readTagged (
by now I'm just using ~(tagged-literal 'unrepl/param :my/param)
to generate a custom blob, but maybe this is an easy fix
yeah the record for the unrepl/param was the one I didn't figure out, I had problems with the ~
, I forgot about unquote
what blob.clj
is used for ?
@cgrand Now I'm afk, but i'm under the impression that's a clojure.core/read, not a clojure.edn/read, is it possible to add readers to that function? If so, that would definitely be better.
Just to be sure, are you talking about this read?
@cgrand I'm back, I don't see how I can pass a default tag reader to clojure.core/read
, not sure if I'm missing out on something... I tried to go with the other approach, having a tag reader for #unrepl/param but I'm a bit blocked. Best I can get is
{:readers {'unrepl/param (fn [param-kw]
'(unquote (tagged-literal 'unrepl/param param-kw)))}
:default tagged-literal}
But then the parent form (list 'unrepl.repl/ensure-ns v)
would have to be syntax-quoted..humm lein unrepl-make-blob
strange ^^
so that’s what transfors classical nREPL message in unrepl
so you telling me that I understood all wrong ^^
when we say “repl” it’s a plain repl (generally socket one so clojure 1.8) as provided by clojure
However as a proof of concept we have the nREPL-bridge
project which recreates a plain repl on top of nREPL. Then you can upgrade it to unrepl.
okay but blob.clj is transforming REPL message to unrepl protocol right ?
or I am completly lost