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I don't know if anyone is following, but I am thinking on some very useful things for Clojure support on Pulsar's Tree-Sitter


Like this one - syntax-quoting will make vars that end with # highlight differently, so we know we're using a local var

Noah Bogart19:09:33

that would be very cool

Noah Bogart19:09:09

i experimented with highlighting queries for locals for clojure.core functions, but couldn't ever get it to work properly so i gave up


I've thought about a clojure grammar the understands quoting and unquoting. so like

(`(foo (bar (~baz sym))))
Might produce a tree that looks like
    (quoted_list quoted_symbol 
      (quoted_list quoted_symbol 
        (quoted_list (unquote unquoted_symbol) quoted_symbol)))))
There would essentially be an unquoted and quoted variant of most nodes. It would also make it possible to give nodes like ba# some kind of type like gensym_symbol . Without something like this tree-sitter doesn't really know if you're in a quote or not, since it can't backtrack


The current tree-sitter-clojure does have this tree, right?


It's possible to handle these cases with some specific queries I believe


(The problem is that currently, tree-sitter queries are quite limited and basically every editor is doing their own thing - Pulsar included)


It doesn't have the quoted_list parent, but does have a syn_quoting_lit that is a parent of a sym_list


The current tree-sitter grammar marks the start of quoting and unquoting, but once you are inside the quoted thing you don't have a reliable way to tell that the current form is quoted.


Since you can arbitrarily nest things in a quoted symbol, I don't think it's possible to write a query to know when something like my-gensym# will expand to a gensym'd symbol, or just be a plain symbol ending in #, right?


Yes - currently, tree-sitter doesn't support recursive queries (like all descendants of a specific parent) so we're making specific #set! variables that capture some of these situations. It's not perfect, and I am actually thinking on extending some of these variables too


I would think that what we're doing is a hack, the problem is that everybody else is doing the same thing, so.... 🤷


With the clojure grammar matching just about anything semantic is a hack since the grammar only exposes basic lisp syntax. Even trying to match a function definition can be problematic if some is writing funny code.

(defmacro foo [n args & body] ;; untested
  (println "I'm compiling!" `(defn ~n ~args ...))
  `(let [x# "i'm a macro"]
      (defn ~n ~args 
        (println x#)
How do we know the inner defn s aren't actually defining functions when using the grammar? We can't really. It's all best effort.


Tree-sitter wasn't really designed to work with languages that have these powerful macros. That's why the clojure grammar doesn't try to expose defn nodes. You can't really know it's a defn until you evaluate it.


All that said, highlighting gensym literals is a neat idea.