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I just ran into the missing support for password encryption in settings.xml: I've voted for the issue on Ask. In the meantime, does anyone have a practical workaround where I can avoid keeping unencrypted passwords in settings.xml?



👍 1

Thanks, I'll give it a go.


Works beautifully, thanks! 👍 Though I'd love to see that Ask implemented to avoid keep plaintext password laying around.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)12:05:08

I believe there is a patch on that ticket but I’m kind of waiting until I make the transition to the newer set of Maven libs as that may change the impl

👍 1
Noah Bogart13:05:24

the env var is how we do it at my job as well, it works great across teams


I am wondering how much extra security you get by moving it to env vars…


They can be fed from password managers agents, or on ci via a runner, etc etc it’s quite handy

Noah Bogart15:05:32

we use the 1password cli tool to inject a bunch of env variables for our common tasks with binstubs