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What is the correct way to do this? clojure -A:shadow-cljs -T:build -P That gives this error: Namespace build loaded but function not found: -P If I use -A:build instead of -T:build, the classpath I get is different (the current directory is added as one of the first few paths).

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:04:47

put the -P first, -T will swipe it

👌 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:04:15

clojure -P -T:shadow-cljs:build should download the deps for all used in the combination classpath (which may or may not be correct, hard to say)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:04:10

you may be best to do:

clojure -P -A:shadow-cljs
clojure -P -T:build
to actually download the deps needed for those two different commands (version selection could easily yield different versions between them)

👍 1

@U064X3EF3 That worked, thanks!