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What's a good way of getting the computed :paths for a set of aliases? I'm seeking for XXX here which would mean "print the computed deps.edn contents after applying these aliases"

clojure -A:dev:test XXX | jet --thread-first :paths


It wouldn't surprise me if the basis contained the effective deps.edn


but currently the CLI doesn't print the basis. -Sbasis might be a nice option for this. There is an issue for this at - but wondering if the official CLI has opinions about this

👍 1

Thanks! I was surprised not to find something like -Sbasis, that had me questioning my own sanity/eyesight

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:02:37

Yeah, nothing for that at the moment, feel free to add to ask.clojure

👍 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:02:13

The basis of course is a file in your cpcache so it’s just printing that

👀 1

Will ask :) A file is tempting but considering that it's a function of the aliases, it can feel fragile for end users?


where is it printing that file?


I know the tools jar is putting that file in .cpcache but is there a (formal) way to get the current .cpcache hash / basis file printed by the CLI?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)13:02:28

I mean, implementing this would just be printing that file. There is no such functionality now but would be happy to add it


yeah, that would be cool and fix @U45T93RA6’s question and the open issue with deps.clj posted by @U0567Q30W


thanks. I posted two suggestions, either add the cache hash to -Sdescribe (or add the full path to the basis file), or add a -Sbasis option. FWIW 🪙

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:02:22

You can find the hash via -Sverbose btw, but will add -Sbasis


ah yeah, -Sverbose, but it's harder to parse than just EDN


That would be super useful for me, and I think resolve that outstanding issue. @U04V15CAJ Sorry I haven’t had a chance to look at that yet, perhaps waiting will just make the problem go away 🙂


I’ll check my code today to see if that would work for Cursive.


The -Sbasis fix.


I think that’s actually the only thing I need the paths in that issue for, but I’ll have to check.


and would you require -Sbasis to output EDN directly or the path to the file?


Either would be fine, but (having not thought it through very carefully yet) I think that EDN probably makes more sense and would be useful for more tools. But the EDN is just a slurp away given the path, so either would work for me.


would it be useful to have programmatic access to the hash as well (vs the output that is now in -Sverbose)?


Again, I’d have to check, but I believe the only thing I use that for is accessing the basis.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:02:15

I do not consider the hash normative in any way and would not want to pretend it something you should care about

👍 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:02:47

I've tried hard to keep that in the domain of the CLI script and out of tools.deps world


yeah, the hash would just give access to anything you'd be interested in inside of .cpcache for the combination of relevant arguments, but I guess that's also an impl detail


Yes, I definitely feel like I’m fishing around in the implementation at the moment.


the basis probably contains all we would ever need 🤞

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:02:30

having thought about it more, prob more interested in something like clj -X:deps basis than clj -Sbasis but I don't think that matters for this purpose

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:02:16

the difference here in caching may be important though as the former would leverage caching but the latter wouldn't. does this matter?


I think it would be helpful if a -Sbasis call with the same arguments would not invoke a JVM again

👍 1

Yes, definitely, I would assume that it would just return the cached version if that exists (assuming -Sforce isn’t used.

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Ok, looking at my code, I definitely need the basis, and either a path or EDN would be fine. I also return the path to the installed tools jar and the install dir, but I just use those to extract the system deps.edn to the install path so I have it on the file system. Some other way of obtaining the system deps.edn file would be useful too so I don’t have to do that.


-Sverbose gives:

config_paths = /opt/homebrew/Cellar/clojure/ /Users/borkdude/.clojure/deps.edn deps.edn
not sure if that is inside the basis as well


it's not fun to parse the -Sverbose output if you can have it as EDN as well


Oh, I didn’t realise the system deps was already extracted to the file system. But yeah, I’ve avoided parsing -Sverbose output so far.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:02:22

there is an api call you make in tools.deps to get the root deps

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:02:09

that config_paths above is actually lying a bit - the root deps.edn there is not the one being used (although it exists and should be the same)


Right, the actual file is extracted as a resource IIRC. What I’ve been doing is extracting the resource and writing it to install-dir if it doesn’t exist there.


IIRC under deps.clj that file is not extracted, but perhaps I checked before tools.deps got called to do the extraction.


I remember vaguely that there was some logic in the bash CLI clj script which I also implemented in deps.clj to copy some .edn file to the install dir, is that what you are referring to?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:06

that's the user deps.edn, which is effectively empty

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:36

yeah, that installs the tools tool

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:11

in any case, none of this is relevant to the root deps which ultimately comes from the tools.deps jar


I thought the config-paths might be in the basis, but they don’t seem to be.


Would it be a good idea to put them there? Then I think -Sbasis would do everything I need without any internal implementation fishing, which I would be very happy about 🙂

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:08

well, there is no path for the root deps

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:23

using the CLI, the only path for project.clj is the "./project.clj"

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:46

user deps is more complicated, but all of these have existing api calls in tools.deps

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:03

the deps config sources WILL be in the :basis-config if they are something other than the defaults

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:25

(which they never are for root or project)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:02:06

:basis-config is the same map of params you can pass to all the :deps alias programs and