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Hello, anyone is having problems to use ? It started failing with this error 2 weeks ago:


How is it "failing" and what is the relevance to tools.deps? I'm tagging @UCZ5ZDJKF to see if he has any insight.


@U04V70XH6 sorry posting here, but I didn't find a place to include this problem, and I saw someone posting something about this lib here.


Well, the author isn't in this channel and I must admit I've never heard of that GH action...

Cora (she/her)03:11:58

you'd be a lot better off switching to Renovate

Cora (she/her)05:11:09

but I'd wager that the error is due to a variable not being quoted in that shell script and that causes splitting when running commands which makes for extra arguments

Cora (she/her)05:11:08

I spent a little bit of time writing a replacement for but I hit my timebox for it -- feel free to take that and fix the github action if you feel like it


@U02N27RK69K thank you for the information. The good part of that lib is that it creates a PR for validation.

Cora (she/her)13:11:08

you can make that work with clojure, and it opens PRs


@U02N27RK69K Hello, I setup one project with renovate and I liked the way it works. Thank you for the advice.


I just got back from vacation today. Once I catch up on things, I'll see if I can make a fix for existing consumers. That said, I agree with @U02N27RK69K - Renovate is a much better tool for the job, and the action was originally only meant as a stopgap until Clojure got Dependabot/Renovate/etc support