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Sam Ritchie16:02:24

does anyone know how I can add a “provided” dependency to my generated pom.xml, using b/write-pom? I’m reading code here: and it looks like there is no way to add my own pom entries… dependencies is overwritten by the basis


I'm curious about the use case -- provided has always seemed a bit odd to me: either the dependency is needed or it isn't... :thinking_face:


provided is usually used for local testing or optional deps but in deps.edn you can do this with aliases

Sam Ritchie16:02:25

@U04V70XH6 cljdoc needs these to do analysis if you have a dependency that you want the user to specify

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:02:41

you are correct that there is no way to add custom deps to the generated pom.xml

Sam Ritchie16:02:43

so if I want to force the user to manually declare an SCI dependency, for example

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:02:06

if you want to make a feature request -->

👍 2
Sam Ritchie16:02:09

@U064X3EF3 I’m going to add it to the basis, and then do

(xml/alias-uri 'pom "")

 (fn [old]
   (fn [[_ {:keys [mvn/scope]} :as pair]]
     (cond-> (old pair)
       (conj [::pom/scope scope])))))

Sam Ritchie16:02:48

@U04V70XH6 for example if @U04V15CAJ wanted cljdoc to work with (which I know he doesn’t!), he’d need to add provided deps


That's a "bug" with cljdoc as far as I'm concerned -- and they know about it but haven't come up with a good way to address it yet.


but doesn't tools build merge with an existing pom.xml ? I remember there was something like this...? So you could add some stuff in there which should always left in or does it override dependencies? I think there was already a request for this on ask, I'll see if I can find it


(and I've run into it with some of my libraries on cljdoc)

Sam Ritchie16:02:29

@U04V15CAJ yeah, but it only merges one level deep

Sam Ritchie16:02:41

dependencies from the basis wipe out the dependencies entry in the pom.xml template


@U04V15CAJ It completely replaces <dependencies> I believe, not merge.

👍 2
Sam Ritchie16:02:51

@U04V70XH6 I personally like provided dependencies… “I won’t work without this but you need to be explicit about what you want”


@U017QJZ9M7W + add some deps yourself in It's not that hard :) it comes with bb too

Sam Ritchie16:02:37

yup, doing that now!


btw I can't find the ask issue, so maybe there wasn't one

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:02:35

it completely replaces some sections -depedencies, repositories, etc

Sam Ritchie17:02:04

(def basis
  (-> (b/create-basis
       {:project "deps.edn"
          {:mvn/version "0.6.37"
           :mvn/scope "provided"}}}})))

Sam Ritchie17:02:15

that works, given

(ns build
  " declarations for the mafs.cljs library."
  (:require [ :as xml]
            [ :as b]
            [ :as write-pom]))

(xml/alias-uri 'pom "")

 (fn [old]
   (fn [[_ {:keys [mvn/scope]} :as pair]]
     (cond-> (old pair)
       (conj [::pom/scope scope])))))


@U04V70XH6 use case is for libraries with namespaces that integrate with third party libraries that are optional?


@U017QJZ9M7W What I meant was rewriting the pom after tools build had written it, not actually monkey-patch tools build but since this is in your private build, I guess do what you want :)


@U09LZR36F Right, but you don't need those in the POM -- you can use aliases to develop with.


Ah, but cljdoc was maven oriented. And any other maven oriented tools need that annotation.


Right, but cljdoc is also looking at generating docs from source only (git dep) projects so I'd say its current Maven dependence is historical 🙂

Sam Ritchie19:02:43

I’ll do it the right way eventually, you’re of course right @U04V15CAJ


I'm a couple years out of date, I think 😅 I've got catching up to do


Cljdoc will also eventually support static analysis to glean the public API. Which should help with many awkwardnesses and failed API analyses. I think this will be the default, and for libs that generate their API at load time - they will still be able to opt for dynamic analysis.


(A foretaste of docs using static analysis:


> Maven dependence is historical But will likely persist @U04V70XH6, I think, anyway.


@UE21H2HHD Well, if cljdoc is able to process git deps, those won't require pom.xml and so cljdoc would be able to analyze libraries without the "Maven dependence" which was what I was leaning into there... 🙂


Maybe what @U09LZR36F meant is that your analyzed dependency is a mvn artifact and that you can't update your docs unless you push a new version? I don't know if that's still the case, but this was coupled to a mvn version


Gotcha @U04V70XH6, makes sense, somebody with a lib that has optional deps would be more likely to take the analyze from git repo sources route (when that becomes available).

Drew Verlee18:02:31

The trade off between building calling a function through the java command line against a jar, and calling cli -X and passing it a clojure function, is just that the later will be slower right?

Drew Verlee18:02:37

As in, for functions where the execution time isn't a factor, it's fine to use either route.


The former can be used standalone, the latter requires source etc.

👍 2

can you not do clj -Sdeps '{:deps {my/lib {:local/root "jar.jar"}}}' -X some/fn regardless if source is present or not?

👀 2

what the later does is more context dependent than the former, and what it does will determine if it is slower than the former or not

👀 2
Drew Verlee19:02:42

Is there a way to have two -main functions? Asking the question another way, If the .clj files on my deps :path already contain a -main function with a the command to generate classes (:genc-class), can I add another -main function, and specify that one in a separate build (build.clj) so I can end up with two jars each that call different main functions? Maybe using the build api function! ? which takes, at a glance, a :main option for main class symbol? Does this question indicate i have strayed from the path and should trying something else?


You can have -main in every single namespace but you can only have one default -main that is invoked via java -jar without specifying the class to invoke.


java -jar ... clojure.main -m will invoke


(we have several JAR files that contain multiple -main functions and we choose which one to invoke via clojure.main)

Drew Verlee19:02:25

that makes sense, for some reason i hadn't considered that you could pass the namespace to the java cli.

Drew Verlee19:02:40

is that what it's called? the java cli?


I suspect people just call it "the java command" but I hadn't really thought about it...


java -jar ... MyPackage.MyClass has been supported for all of Java's life I think -- and clojure.main is "just" a class in the Clojure runtime.


(and you can probably just do java -jar ... if you have (:gen-class) in that ns -- I'm just used to bouncing via clojure.main for a ns that might not be AOT compiled)


Oh, not java -jar ... MyPackage.MyClass -- java -cp ... MyPackage.MyClass sorry.


Here we go:

(~/clojure/mains)-(!2016)-> cat src/multi/another.clj
(ns multi.another

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println "I'm another main!"))

Thu Feb 09 11:18:09
(~/clojure/mains)-(!2017)-> cat src/multi/mains.clj
(ns multi.mains

(defn greet
  "Callable entry point to the application."
  (println (str "Hello, " (or (:name data) "World") "!")))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (greet {:name (first args)}))

Thu Feb 09 11:18:12
(~/clojure/mains)-(!2018)-> java -jar target/net.clojars.multi/mains-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Hello, World!

Thu Feb 09 11:18:22
(~/clojure/mains)-(!2019)-> java -jar target/net.clojars.multi/mains-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar argument
Hello, argument!

Thu Feb 09 11:18:28
(~/clojure/mains)-(!2020)-> java -cp target/net.clojars.multi/mains-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar multi.mains
Hello, World!

Thu Feb 09 11:18:48
(~/clojure/mains)-(!2021)-> java -cp target/net.clojars.multi/mains-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar multi.mains argument
Hello, argument!

Thu Feb 09 11:18:52
(~/clojure/mains)-(!2022)-> java -cp target/net.clojars.multi/mains-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar multi.another
I'm another main!

Thu Feb 09 11:19:02

👍 2

Ah thanks @U04V70XH6 and @U0NCTKEV8 the -cp variant had not occurred to me!