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I recently made a security report using nvd-clojure and I got some terminal output that looks like this (showing mostly issues with transitive dependencies). Is there a one-liner I can use to quickly figure out which of my explicit dependencies result in one of these transitive dependencies? When I run clj -X:deps tree the output isn’t that easy to sort through (or grep for ancestors), so I spend a lot of time searching through it to figure things out. I’ve tried making a graph using tools.deps.graph which would be idea, except the output is a bitmap image which can’t be searched…


With clj -X:deps tree :format :edn you can get the output as data, which might help a bit


But it doesn't solve your other problem (some dependencies not appearing at all)


yeah… anyway, I found that using grep -B 20 solves grepping the result pretty well, so that at least works ok


and some of them can’t be found at all in the clj -X:deps tree output

Alex Miller (Clojure team)12:11:34

You might try clj-watson to get a little better output, not sure if it will address your concerns


I turns out that it was because aliases are not considered when you use -X:deps , while they work with -SDeps . What’s up with that?


(pointed out to me by the wonderful @U7PBP4UVA)


Is there a way to figure out which :mvn/repos entry in deps.edn provides which dependency?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:11:32

not currently (and there's not necessarily only one answer)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:11:00

but this would be a useful thing to know

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:11:34

You can see it during download so doing something like

clj -Sdeps '{:mvn/local-repo "tmp"}' -Stree
will show you in the output (and leave you the full lib set in ./tmp)

😎 1

Oh, nice, that will do, thanks a lot. 🙂 My use case is a custom maven repo that I suspect is no longer useful, but I'd like a confirmation before I remove it. Your workaround is good enough but if this is something that you'd consider improving let me know if you'd like to have the question on and I'll post it.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:11:54

go for it, have been thinking it would be useful to have something like this for a while

👍 1