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I’d like to use azure-functions’ maven tooling to run and deploy clojure code on their azure-functions framework. Right now I’m copying deps from deps.edn to the pom.xml so that my dependencies are available to the azure-functions environment. What is currently possible for syncing dependencies from deps.edn to pom.xml? Or, perhaps I should use b/write-pom and refer to my clojure code as a module from a parent pom.xml

Alex Miller (Clojure team)01:07:28

you can generate a pom from your deps.edn

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:07:14

this functionality will use a pom.xml as the source (if it exists) and update only specific sections (<dependencies>, path stuff, repositories) - the rest is left as is so you can put all your pom metadata there


Oh! That's convenient.