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Drew Verlee14:05:17

is -Jopt a valid clj-opt argument? When you read the list it seems like should be, but i get the impression it's just a parameter name. Would this be more accurate if slightly more cumbersome? Start a REPL clj [clj-opt|Jopt] [-Aaliases] [init-opt*] This isn't something i'm really suffering over, i'm just trying to solidify my understanding.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:05:40

yes, it's a valid clj-opt, not sure I understand the question

Drew Verlee14:05:52

I just mean that this fails

$ clj -Jopt  
Error: Could not find or load main class opt
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: opt
As where this does not:
$ clj -Spath

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:05:47

"opt" is something you have to provide that gets passed through to the jvm

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:05:03

so clj -J-Xmx256m for example

Drew Verlee14:05:51

yes, that makes sense. That's what i'm learning, and in my mind i'm going to think of it as -J<opt> Pass <opt> through e.g -Xmx512m

Drew Verlee14:05:30

As where the "path" in Spath isn't a parameter itself.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)14:05:26

well, I understand the confusion and think about a way to make that clearer

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