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I figured this was worth sharing from the announcements thread since I feel like not many people know how to get help on "tools"...


...and for a specific tool:


And for getting help on deps itself:

(! 654)-> clojure -X:deps help/doc
This api provides functions that can be executed from the Clojure tools using -X:deps.

  Create a basis from a set of deps sources and a set of aliases. By default, use
  root, user, and project deps and no argmaps (essentially the same classpath you get by
  default from the Clojure CLI).

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:10:36

while that's all true, it's less obvious and discoverable than it should be so my sympathy is with the OP


Oh, totally. That's why I figured I'd share it because it isn't "obvious" even though it is mentioned (briefly) in the docs.


I've added a comment to all my build.clj files saying how to get help on the build file and I also add this to the README on my tools (e.g., deps-new). It's super useful. Maybe the install function could print how to get help on a newly installed tool? And maybe list could also mention it?


Perhaps both commands could also give an example of the show function too? I nearly always forget it needs :tool the first time I type it in:

(! 656)-> clojure -Ttools show new
Key is missing value: new
(! 657)-> clojure -Ttools show :tool new
{:lib io.github.seancorfield/deps-new,
 {:git/tag "v0.4.0",
  :git/sha "0fb18a62fe068a2b62183c93e5441ababdd7bc6f",
  :git/url ""}}
Default namespace:

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:10:24

as always, would love any suggestions to go to

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:10:37

or to clojure-site issues if doc requests


Yup, on it. Will submit an "ask" with the above notes!