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Ian Fernandez15:06:36

there is a way to pass the java classpath indo a deps.edn file?

Ian Fernandez15:06:19

I'm trying to pick the classpath that runs on a java -cp .... and trying to pass them to a deps.edn file

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:42

not into a deps.edn file, but you can at the Clojure CLI with clojure -Scp whatever

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:11

that will just override all classpath construction from the deps.edn file

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:40

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do tbh

Ian Fernandez15:06:51

I can do this to make a pom.xml instead?

Ian Fernandez15:06:06

(then it'll go out off the scope)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:06

can you explain what "trying to pass them to a deps.edn file" means?

Ian Fernandez15:06:57

if I can use {:paths [,,,]} with the files on classpath

Ian Fernandez15:06:01

or something like this

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:24

I mean, the classpath is a string - you can split it on classpath splitter, and then copy that into the :paths


@d.ian.b Do you mean, you want to add a directory with .jar files or .class files in it, to the classpath by adding them to deps.edn?


You can do this using :local/root

👍 2
Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:37

I'm not sure why you want to do this


I'm a bit confused too

Ian Fernandez15:06:06

I'm trying to have a IntelliJ classpath to run a repl with tools.deps


in that case it what Alex said: you can start it like clj -Scp <intellij-classpath>

Ian Fernandez15:06:49

the idea is that I don't have the IntelliJ classpath right now...

Ian Fernandez15:06:09

right now the repl is executed by using: java -cp ,,,, clojure.main -m user ,,,

Ian Fernandez15:06:13

I want to have a way to IntelliJ detect this classpath

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:06:15

you can get the classpath from a deps.edn file at the terminal with clj -Spath

Ian Fernandez15:06:42

the idea right now is that I don't have a deps.edn file

Ian Fernandez15:06:46

I want to build one


@d.ian.b Are you using Cursive by any chance? I think it already has deps.edn support


@alexmiller I know :path and :extra-paths can use aliases-as-data. Can :jvm-opts? We’re finding that we have a common set of JVM options we want to apply in multiple contexts (aliases) and we’d rather not have to introduce a new alias just for those, but if we could add :jvm-opts :common-jvm-opts to each alias that would be nice.


Thanks. Saves me grubbing around in the source. Do you think it would be worth adding?

👍 2



hehe joking. I've been on clojured and wanted to say that your presentation @alexmiller was fantastic, looking forward to!


is that publicly available yet? my schedule didn't line up to catch it live unfortunately


I attended the whole conference live from 1 am Pacific to 11 am Pacific — it made for a very “slow” Saturday, after the conference 🙂

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:06:23

Not available yet, hopefully soon

👍 4

ClojureD was great and it was very nice of you to come over there Alex! Enjoyed the presentation.