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Has anyone tried compiling the tools-deps with graal to increase performance?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:09:29

there's really two stages in clj and the first one (cp computation) should be pretty amenable to it

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:09:40

it makes the install story (which is already complicated) much more complicated

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:09:02

and in most cases the result of cp computation is a) IO-bound and b) cached and skipped

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:09:26

given all that, exploring this is not a high priority for me


Primarily interested in the first one

Alex Whitt17:09:57

Hi! I think I asked a while back about using self-signed certs for accessing a self-hosted maven repo over https with tools.deps. (The Leiningen equivalent is adding the path to the cert in :certificates [].) IIRC, at the time that I asked, this was not supported with tools.deps. I can't seem to find anything about this by googling or looking on JIRA. Could anyone give me an update on whether this works these days, or point me in the right direction for how to handle this scenario? Relevant config in deps.edn:

:mvn/repos {"central" {:url "https://<my-nexus-server>/repository/maven-public/"}}
Everything works fine over http with tools.deps, and even with https with lein. But with https on tools.deps I get "unable to find valid certification path to requested target."

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:09:43

Nothing has been added in this area

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:09:22

Could add it to Java’s certs?

Alex Whitt18:09:31

That's a good solution on most OSs, but I'm on NixOS which aims to be "immutable" so the keystore is read-only. I should probably look into adding the ability to add certs to the java keystore declaratively in NixOS. Anyway, thanks for the update!

Adrian Smith17:09:03

I'm struggling to import a library that I've forked on my own repo details:

Alex Whitt18:09:53

@sfyire I'm pretty sure that implies that the repo in question does not have a deps.edn (which it doesn't). To my knowledge, if you want to use :git/url, the target must have a deps.edn.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:09:01

You can tell it to do that

Adrian Smith18:09:37

@alexmiller how would I do that?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:09:46

If you add :deps/manifest :deps to the coord that overrides the autodetection (although you won’t get the deps in project.clj)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:09:20

You could add those to the caller though if you don’t have access to modify the project

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:09:43

If you’ve forked it, then I’d just add a deps.edn

Adrian Smith18:09:58

yeah, that's cool to know though


(I added the above as an answer on the ask site)

👍 12