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is there a function that pretty prints a deps.edn dependency tree a la lein deps :tree? are people just using maven to accomplish that?


You mean like clojure -Stree?


exactly what I was looking for! thanks for the help


You're welcome!


I’ve got a java class on the classpath that looks like this:

public final class com.whatever.Main {
  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
Is there any way to use :main-opts to invoke com.whatever.Main.main()? I tried:
   ["-m" "com.whatever.Main"]}}
but that looks for com/whatever/Main__init.class. I realize I’m probably stretching how aliases are meant to be used, but it would be mega convenient to be able to run this using the cli.


You could create a Clojure namespace with a -main that just delegates to that Java method, maybe? :thinking_face:

clj 8
🤝 8

yeah, that’s probably the appropriate way to go about it.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:06:08

clj is a Clojure launcher, not a general purpose Java launcher

👍 4

I subsequently realized how silly it was to be trying to use clj before there was a clojure component. Everything fell into place once I realized that the whole problem went away as soon as I started writing what I initially set out to write.