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@alexmiller i’m confusing myself. signed up for a JIRA account and was going to comment on that ticket but don’t seem to see any Reply type button anywhere. Is it permissioned?


put down the 3 ways I’ve been thinking about in that ticket.

Laverne Schrock13:04:14

Opinion: Of the options presented on the ticket, all except for the "Use maven proxy" seem reasonable. A single source for the proxy config is nice, but Maven settings should only be for fetching things via Maven. If we want centralization I'd vote for the "environment variable" or the "JVM flags" options (though I'm unclear on what the latter would end up looking like).


@alexmiller another thing I’ve been running into is the monorepo story. I’ve so far adopted the convention to “hijack” CLJ_CONFIG via wrapper tools in my monorepo. E.g. I make it impossible for the user to control CLJ_CONFIG, and use it as an escape hatch to merge in one more deps.edn into the mix. This is obviously not ideal, and leads to discussions like this one in terms of tooling etc: Similarly to -Sdeps, is there any milage in a similar flag taking an actual additional deps.edn file? e.g. -Sdeps-file which can be given 0 or more times. That’d make at least the parts of the monorepo cases I’ve considered more manageable. Has it already been considered? If not any initial thoughts?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:04:52

interested in doing more, haven't had a chance to think seriously about it